19: Knock, Knock

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The bitter east wind blew through my pinned hair as I made myself to Paul's house. Light rain sputtered out of the gloomy noon sky. The weather in Liverpool was horrible, very rarely we saw the sun. Lately, it had been marvelous but I knew that we would be seeing the bad side of it anytime now. I had been proven correct, of course, and making my way down the rain-washed streets didn't seem that bad after all.

"Knock, knock. It's El!" I yelled, making myself known as I entered the McCartney's dwelling. I shuffled my way to the baby blue area in which the boys and I called the practice room.

"Took ya long enough! I've been around these three wacko's for way to long. Glad to see someone with a little bit of common sense." John piped setting down his guitar on his stand and walking over to me as soon as he saw me.

"Yeah I know right?" I replied sarcastically, throwing my jacket at him.

"Why don't ya come sit down El." Ringo said, peering over his drum kit.

I made my way to the old couch and plopped myself down on it just like any other time. The boys began to ramble amongst each other speaking of music. There wasn't much bickering although I could seem to make out a small disagreement about the melody which was being voiced strongly by John and Paul.

"It goes this way John it's not that hard!" Paul claimed, picking up a guitar and playing a few chords whilst singing a melody.

John shook his head, crossing his arms and taking the guitar out of his hands once Paul was done.

"No it should sound like this!" John asserted. He repeated what Paul had previously did, tweaking the melody ever so slightly.

"Fine then John. We'll do this bit your way then." Paul said, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"May I erm, hear the song?" I questioned. The two boys stopped instantly and turned innocently to look at me.


Each Quarrymen picked up their individual instrument and placed it around them, except for Ringo, who was twirling his new drum sticks in his hands.

It was a wonderful tune, already becoming one of my favorites.  I sat there tapping my foot, swaying side to side in time with the music.

"So what did ya think El?" Paul asked once they had finished playing.

"Well, I thought it was marvelous! Everything was perfect, I think you guys should play that one live next time." I replied honestly standing up and making my way over to them.

"Did ya really like it that much, love?" George asked taking my hand sweetly.

"Absolutely. I loved it all."

"Well then it's decided!" John added as they all simultaneously set down their instruments.

"What do ya mean Lenny?" Ringo questioned, tilting his head slightly with a confused expression plastered on his face.

"Oh c'mon Rings, she said it herself... We 'ave to play the song in concert." John continued.

The other lads were extremely confused. They obviously hadn't yet heard that John and I had made up. Not just them, but I too was only used to hearing sarcastic remarks out of Lennon and it had caught us all off guard, y'know, John actually being half-nice to me for once.

"Erm," Paul said, furrowing his brow. "This might sound a little rude of me but, don't you guys, y'know, not like each other?" He asked pointing at John and I.

"I--" I began, soon to be cut off.

"We, we talked." John assured, adding a small smile at the end of the sentence to ease the small amount of tension that came with the question.

"Oh well that's great innit!" Ringo added patting John on the back enthusiastically.

"Yeah," George said "I'm glad you two are gettin' along now." He squeezed my hand tightly, sending a smile towards us both.

We chatted there for quite sometime before the band practice was officially over.

Soon we left Paul's house and walked around together before we each went our separate ways, except George and I.

"Hey love?" George asked as we walked down the gloomy streets of Liverpool towards his house. Today was my turn to walk him home.

"Yes Georgie?" I questioned, turning my head towards the young man.

"Erm, would you like to come in? Y'know, when we get to my house? I've been meaning to spend some more time with you but the band is just gettin' so popular, I almost never have time anymore."

I stared into the glazed brown orbs of my tall boyfriend. It was true, the band was growing in popularity, and it was obvious as well. Whenever we strolled around downtown George was almost always recognized by an old fashioned man who states that their music gave him a new perspective of "the youngin's of today" or a bubbly teen girl scrambling to find a piece of paper and pen.

"Of course baby." I replied, pinching his cheeks jokingly with a slight blush sprinkling my cheeks. "Let's go." I said speeding up to a run, pulling him along the rain-washed streets.

Our quick feet splashed through the mini puddles on cement colored sidewalk as the grey clouds thickened turning to a dark ash color. We giggled as we ran, often thinking to ourselves just how much we loved each other.

After some time, we stopped in front of George's house. There was no sign of his family, their new brown Chevy seemingly disappeared, leaving only some multi-colored grease behind on their paved drive-way.

"Nobody's home, huh." I remarked nonchalantly, attempting to not seem too eager.

"Nope..." He replied blissfully, whispering in my ear. "Ya know what that means?"

"Hmmm..." I added, tapping my jaw as if I didn't know exactly what was going to happen as soon as we entered the house.

George let out a chuckle and tugged my arm as we mounted the small steps towards the dwelling. His perfect lips were somewhat bent upwards into a side-smirk, showing his grin that he knew I loved the most.

When he reached the top of the steps I drew a breath in sharply. This was something I was looking forward to for way too long. I was extremely touch-deprived, longing for his touch so much that it physically hurt.

He rummaged around in his pants pocket for a small time before pulling out a miniscule shiny silver key. He inserted the key into the door and turned it quickly to the right, the veins in his hands popped out just in time for me to catch a glimpse of it. I never knew why, but hands were always so attractive to me, especially his, although they would look way better around my throat.

Wait what--

"You ready baby?" George asked slowly, giving me a small kiss of the top of my ear.

I pushed open the door swiftly and George whisked me inside...


A/N: Hello everyone,

I've decided that I'm going to redo the last few chapters, they seem rushed. Sorry for the inconvenience but I've been feeling as though my writing in these few chapters hasn't be up to par.  I want you guys to have the best reading experience reading my books and I feel as though you all might not be getting that with the way that this has turned out.

Also, please remember to vote my stories! Votes help my stories gain more readers and I love having people read my books.

Anyways, Happy New Years! <3


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