16: Too Much, John

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*Cheesy af*

"There's the lovebirds!" John hollered from the other side of the fresh green fields.

I looked of over and noticed John, Paul and Ringo sprawled out along the earthy hill. Their faces were plastered with grins as they watched George and I step foot off of the trail that led us to the old grassland. 

George's arm was slung over my shoulder, hugging me close. It felt so indescribably amazing to finally be reunited with the boy-- or should I say man I loved. I quickly glanced over to him and placed a quick peck on his temple. Before he could react I had already taken his hand in mine and began running towards the 3 musicians staring back at us. I felt George stumble a little as we hurried up the flowery hill towards the men.

At this time, I couldn't help but remember how much pain John Lennon had cause both me and George. Although it didn't sit right with me to pretend like nothing ever happened I had to remember that I wasn't the first bird that he had tried this on. I wasn't in no way special for feeling somewhat iffy around John either, and I had to try accept that this all could've just been a huge mistake. 

We made our way up the hill hastily, stopping in front of John, Paul and Ringo. George and I both sat down with a plop, stretching out along the earthy ground below us. 

"So?" Paul piped up.

"So?.." George and I repeated in sync, knowing exactly what he was questioning but not giving in.

"Well, are you two official again?" Ringo asked simply, fiddling with a blade of grass.

George and I both shot each other a quick look only to be described as pure bliss. The corners of his thin lips curled up briefly to form the infamous George Harrison grin.

"Yes." George replied placing a loving kiss on the corner of my lips.

Once again, George's chocolatey brown orbs had caught the attention of my own. I gazed at his perfect self as my eyes started to gloss over. He of course had noticed this and pulled me into the biggest hug he could have mustered. Tucking my head into the crook of his neck I let out a tension relieving sigh. I don't know what it was, maybe the sun hitting his physique just right or the soft wind blowing his dark brown hair just above his eyebrows but, the moment was just perfect. Powerful emotions had taken over my usual hardened self, it was a new experience.

"El?" George whispered softly into my ear as we embraced. "Are you alright love?"

I untangled my arms from George's body turning to face the look of concern scribble over his glowing face. 

"Oh George," I mumbled under my breath, smiling softly. "I've never been better!"

For a split second it seemed as if it was only George and I. All the background noise had faded away leaving room only for our unspoken words. It was as if a spotlight was shining directly onto him, dimming away everything else. 

George picked me up slowly and sat me forward in between his crossed legs. I looked back at his chiseled jaw, sparkling eyes and then soft pink lips. Gosh, how perfect this moment truly was. 

"Ehm?" Paul announced while clearing his throat, snapping me out of my daze.

My cheeks flushed a deep crimson realizing all three lads had witnessed all of which had just occurred. 

"Are we interrupting something?" Ringo questioned quietly and seriously.


"Ah, well, I'm not so sure about that." Lennon interrupted smugly, half jokingly. "Should we leave you two alone? We wouldn't want to be here during a snog. Best keep that for when you're not around us."

"Oh shove off John!" George replied irritated.

Why did John always have to ruin the moment?

"Make me Harrison!" John asserted, obviously trying to start trouble.

I sat there watching the scene unfold dumb-founded. John was definitely jealous, he wouldn't be John if he wasn't. And how come John always instigated trouble?  I was in the middle of trying to forgive him and with that attitude, it wouldn't come easy. He was just so damn childish! 

Before any more harsh words had been spoken Paul and Ringo stepped in between them.

"Let it go, Geo." Ringo muttered to George patting his back as Paul attempted to restrain John.

Soon the unmistakable tension died down. Practically out of thin air, Ringo pulled out a few jam sandwiches and soft drinks, soon passing them around. After one bite, George was once again as happy as a clam. It seemed no matter how angry George was, food could fix it. John relaxed as soon as he lit a ciggie and I guess Ringo and Paul were just happy to be there.

I drew a deep breath and memorized my surroundings, this would not be a memory I would want to forget... 


A/n: Sorry for not updating everyone. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I haven't written in a month. I shouldn't try and excuse myself for writing, I'm truly sorry I didn't. However, now I will finish the story, I don't know if it'll end in 1 or 5 chapters but I know I'm going to try and make the ending as special as I can. 

Also this is trash I'm sorry guys I've been kind of down lately. I hope you guys can understand.

Peace & Love,


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