14: Mission Failed Successfully

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(Some facts in this chapter are not correct, there is even a person that they shouldn't even know at this time. Just roll with it. This chapter has a warning on it.)

"So here's the plan." I sat down on her comfy bed as she began to pace back and forth around the room. "If you didn't know, the boys are playing at The Cavern again tonight. You and I are going to try and prove that you did nothing wrong without even exchanging words with them!"

This sentence perked my interest. "What do you mean? How can we prove something without speaking about it?"

Lucy smirked. "Well, all we have to do is make sure John sees you and we'll be good to go. You see, the reason why you are going to be wearing that dress is to get John's attention. If we get lucky, he'll try to talk to you, he'll try to get with you. Then all we have to do is make sure George sees him trying to make a move on you. George will come over and ask what is going on and then bam, John is caught red-handed."

Lucy folded her arms standing proud.

"Luce, I really don't know if this'll work." I said timidly.

"Oh it'll work Ella believe me, I've used this tactic before." She assured.


We shoved our way into the club passing by many people either smoking or drinking. Hours upon hours had been leading up to this plan, it was going to have to work. Lucy grabbed my hand and pushed me to front of the crowded room.

I began to dance around with Lucy just a mere few feet from The Quarrymen. They were all there up on the small stage, John, Paul, George and... And someone else?

Hmm, Pete must be sick, shame. I thought to myself as I started to twirl around.

"I have to say," Lucy yelled over the music. "That must be your iconic dance move El!"

We both laughed and continued to dance.

I shot a glance at Paul, who was the main singer for the song which they were now playing. He met with my eyes and gave me a classic Paul McCartney wink. I caught the attention of Lucy when I noticed Paul nudging George and John. My eyes shifted to George, who previously was grooving to the music was now setting his guitar down and walking off stage into the darkness of the club. Lucy gave me a reassuring nod as I began to feel my knees grow weak.

"Luce, I think I need to sit down." I said gripping at my waist.

"You'll be ok El. Just a little while longer, look at John now."

I shifted my focus onto John who was predictably eyeing me up and down. I must have been eye-candy to the man. He sent a smirk my way and whispered something to Paul. Obviously, the two had become good friends again seeing as how Paul nodded back at John cheerfully.

They quickly wrapped up the song and left for an early break off stage. I looked over to Lucy but realized she was gone.
Deep breaths, deep breaths.

John to no surprise, sauntered over to me scanning my body from top to bottom.

"Hey El." He said brushing his hand against my thigh.

"H-hi John." I answered fiddling with the ends of my dress.

"You look nice tonight."

"Thanks John." I responded uncomfortably.

"Why don't we head out back eh?"

"Uhmm, sure--"


He flung his arm over my shoulder and hustled me to the back of the building and out the door.

"Welcome to "behind the scenes." He whispered in my ear. I watched his eyes turn black, blacker than the night sky above our heads.

"J-John, what are you doing?" I asked as he took of his sweater. "I don't want any trouble, why don't we go back inside?"
The plan was going too far at this point and only I knew it.

"I need you El. I need you now." He pleaded with me, his voice deepening.

"John, what do you mean? I think we should go inside, it's getting cold."

"Oh El, you know exactly what I mean. Why would we be behind a club if you didn't know what I meant?" He chuckled slowly, unbuttoning his shirt.

"John no." I announced shakily.

"But you're so beautiful El. I couldn't take my eyes of off ya."

Struggling, John pushed me against the outdoor wall of the club.  He placed hungry kisses all over my face and neck.

"John stop!" I cried, trying to fight him off. "This has happened before, I know what you're going to do with me!"

"Oh you do huh?" He muttered in between kisses. "I know what I'm going to do too."

"John stop! You're not the first man to act like this! Please just let me go."
"Oh but you want me though. You're just playing hard to get."

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small shadow, I dismissed it.

I squirmed as John wrapped his hand around my waist. I denied his tongue entrance into my mouth which seemed to make it even worse. He started to pull down the sides of my dress leaving my shoulders bare and my mind whizzing. Eventually, he began to pull down my dress the rest of the way, leaving me in only my bra and knickers. I was in utter shock, therefor I couldn't speak, but my eyes said it all..

"John stop! Help!" I cried trying to push him off me.
"Shhh El. I know you want me, I need you."
"No John!"
"Yes John." He repeated, mocking me.

I watched his hand move closer to me. My adrenaline rising, my heart pumping, my mind racing. It was the worst feeling I had ever experienced.

"What the hell!" An unfamiliar voice called. "What the hell are you doing with her John?"

John immediately dropped him arms and shuffled away from me. Just as I finished pulling up my dress, a boy emerged from the area where the voice rung from.

"Ringo!" John said awkwardly. "I didn't know you'd be out here!"

"Step away from her." The boy said sternly.

John stepped away grabbing his shirt from the dirty, stone ground.

"Miss?" The boy questioned. "Is everything alright?"

I instantly recognized the boy as he drew nearer to me with each step.
Speechless, I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, my name is Ringo. I'm the new drummer for the band."
I gave him a quick smile and he escorted me inside leaving John to put on his sweater in the cold night air.

Ringo and I began to strike up a conversation after I thanked him profoundly.

"Ringo, I'm sorry you had to see that. It's almost happened before, I should have known what to do." I said quietly taking a sip of the drink I had just ordered."

"Oh it's no big deal Ella. John is pushy but he shouldn't have done that."

A few more minutes passed as I tried to shake the thought of John Lennon out of my head. Eventually, Ringo found out about everything. I told him about how John acted towards me, the incident that left me without George and the many others.

"Well El, I'm sure I can talk to George about it." He responded looking down at me with his big blue eyes.

"You would? That would be lovely Ringo, thank you." I replied sincerely giving him a small hug.

Soon he was off walking through a small door beside the stage.

Oh my goodness.

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