15: Ringo's Help

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Ringo's P.O.V:

"George?" I called out as I looked around the room. "George, where are ya mate?" No answer.

I stood there for a few moments surveying the room. The muffled sounds of clinking glasses and laughter barely made a dent in my focused search for my best friend. 

Soon enough, I heard a few sniffles from the nearby broom closet in the corner of the small room. Quickly, I shuffled over to the noise and carefully swung open the door to reveal a teary-eyed George Harrison.

"Georgie? What's wrong?" I asked fiddling with my rings.

I had never seen George, or really anyone in this state so I had no sweet clue on how I was supposed to help.

"Ella is what's wrong, you saw El right?" He questioned looking up to me from the dark corner of the closet where he sat.

I nodded and told him to go on.

"Her and John, they went outside to go have a snog I suppose. I knew it, I knew I was stupid on loving her. Not only did she snog two of my best mates, she'll probably end up doing the same with you!" I watched as George rested his hand on his temple. He slowly began to cry.

"Geo, mate, you've got it all wrong!" I replied comfortably. George's eyes widened.

"What do ya mean Rings?" He asked hopefully, standing up to face me.

I quickly explained the whole situation, leaving George stunned and me out of breath.

"Are you serious?" He questioned furrowing his eyebrows. 


"I've got to go find El. Where is she?" He quickly asked following his prior question.

"Out there by the bar." I confidently said pointing my finger in the direction of the area she was last seen.

"Thanks mate, I owe ya." He said patting me on the back and swiftly leaving the room.

There I stood, proud of myself, knowing that I had given George peace & love.


Ella's P.O.V:

I watched Ringo disappear into a small room beside the stage. Downing the last of my drink I rested my hand on my temple, knowing this could go one of two ways. For all I knew, George was behind that door, snogging a girl he didn't know.  My heart began to race as I thought of each situation that could possibly happen. 

"Ah!" I yelled.

Lucy had plopped down beside me

"Jeez Luce you scared me half to death!" I said rubbing my temple.

"Sorry!" She replied giggling. "So how did it go?" She asked sitting on the edge of her bar stool.

"Well, it didn't go great with Lennon but their new drummer Ringo is talking to George now. He said he'll bring it up." 

"That's great El!"
"Yeah... Great." I muttered tensely ordering another drink. "He's been gone for about 5 minutes, I hope everything is going alright." 

"It will." Lucy replied. "I'm sure it'll be fine. But I've got a problem of my own El..."
I raised my eyebrows, intrigued.

"Paulie com'ere." Lucy hollered over the drunken crowd. 

My mouth dropped when Paul jogged over and placed a peck on Lucy's cheek.

"Paul and I sorta hit it off while you were outside." She said giggling.

The boy cleared his throat. "Um, yeah. El do you mind?"  He asked looking down at me with his puppy dog eyes.

I quickly shook my head no and Paul whisked Lucy off to the dance floor.

There I sat alone, fidgeting with the ends of my dress, trying to drink my anxiety away. I sat there for quite some time until I spotted a lanky figure darting through the crowd towards me. My heart sunk when I realized who it was and my anxiety sped up. Heart beating out of my chest, barely able to breath I turned around and prayed this would all be over soon.

After a mere few moments, the figure grabbed my arm and spun me around on the bar stool.

"El." He whispered placing his hand delicately on my cheek. 
"I am so sorry, for everything."
"It's ok Geo--"
Before I could finish my sentence he pressed his pink lips against mine. The taste of cigarettes engulfed me as I fell once again under his magical spell. George moved his hands to my back and broke the kiss hugging me tightly. I looked over to the poor boy and noticed he was crying.

"I am so sorry I didn't let you talk to me, I should have listened. You are my everything El, I love you."
"I love you too George." I replied taking my thumb and rubbing away his salty tears.

He pulled me in again and passionately kissed me. We were all over each-other, craving each-other almost. He placed a kiss on my forehead, cheek, lips and neck all in in row lovingly. I pulled him in for another round biting his bottom lip before going in for a good snog.

"Get a room!" Paul yelled as he and Lucy watched from a far giggling.

George and I both shot them a look but quickly laughed back, not able to contain our pure joy.

He pulled me in close once more and whispered in my ear. I shut my eyes tight savoring the moment. His warm breath grazed my ear delicately. "Gladly."

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