8: John Lennon's Notions

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I untangled Georges arms from around me. Slowly, I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I grabbed a white face cloth pressing it to my face, letting the water that I had just dampened it with soak into my skin. I didn't have anything to wear, in fact I didn't have anything at all. I eventually regained the memories of last night as I made my way to the kitchen. Figuring I had to repay Paul for his kindness, I whipped up some scrambled eggs and toast. Even though I was extremely hungover I knew it would be wrong to just leave the house. 

Finishing up breakfast I watched as George began to stir. Even though he had severe bedhead, he looked so attractive. Meanwhile, I watched as Paul slowly marched into the kitchen, leaning back on the edge of the counter.

"What 'cha doing love?" He questioned, looking down to me.

"Well, y'know Paul, I figured I should repay you. After all, you really helped me and George last night."

Paul nodded and walked away back to his bedroom, obviously still half asleep. He was soon replaced by a sleepy, hungover George Harrison.

"Hi El. It smells amazing."
I felt me cheeks heat up as I looked down.

"Thank you George, it's actually ready now."
I grabbed three plates and served the boys and I. I watched as they both devoured the meal hungrily, especially George, who only stopped eating to take a breath.

"This is very good." He mentioned, filling his face.

I giggled to myself, glad he was enjoying it. I knew we were both hungover but that wouldn't stop George's appetite. 
Paul sat there, keeping to himself. Every once and a while he would hum an unfamiliar melody but for the most part, he stayed quiet.

Eventually, me and George left the McCartney Residence. George and I strolled along the sidewalk of the old Liverpool road for quite sometime, that is until we had to part ways.

"See you soon Ella." He told me, planting a small kiss on my cheek.

"You too George." I replied hugging him tightly.

I stood still, watching the boy disappear down a freshly paved road. Making my way back to my house, I noticed John looking rather distant, leaning against a lamp post. I made my way up to him with a funny expression, ready to endure the comments he would make about last night.

"Hey El" He said taking a long drag of off his cigarette.

"Hey John." 

"So last night, how many drinks did ya have?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"If you want the truth, I don't remember." I mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"Well that's 6 too many El. I supposed you don't remember a thing? I didn't expect you to be that kind of girl y'know, I had to carry you for Christ sake, ya hurt me back!"

 I didn't know what to say. "I-I- umm-"

"I'm only joking with ya El!" He replied grinning smugly. "I kind of liked it."


There was a long pause, almost too long. I studied John's features as I watched the gears turning in his head as he decided what to say next.

"Hey y'know, you're a really pretty girl El. I'd watch out, just incase some guy try's to pick you up."

"Thanks John."

With one quick motion, John lifted me up off of my feet and began walking, I was as stiff as a board.

"Say, why don't we go get another drink El." He asked sitting me down gently on a park bench.

"Oh I don't know, I drank way too much last night."

"Oh, well, alright then El. Y'know, feel free to call me anytime you want"  He said handing me a piece of old faded paper. "Feel free to come over anytime you want too." He whispered seductively putting his hand on my thigh.  I jumped as he first placed his hand high up, but eventually just dismissed it. "After all El, I sure did love carrying you last night. I never saw you from that angle before, you should show me it again sometime." 

And with that, he stood up and left, leaving me frozen in place on an old park bench.

 I couldn't believe what I had just heard, his voice kept ringing in my ears. He had confidence, I'll give him that, but I was with George, I loved George. Continuing my walk to my house I couldn't help but let my mind wander. I imagined what George would say if he found out what happened. But, at one point my mind wandered to the exact opposite, what would happen if I did go to John's? I could only imagine the possibilities, or could I? 

Entering my home, I kept replaying the words "I love George and George loves me" through my mind like an old record. But I couldn't stop my mind from wandering. George and I were meant to be, but what had just happened caught me off guard, and it was starting to show.

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