6: Something That Has To Be Said

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As I watched the sun fall behind the horizon, the boys started to pack up their things. Eventually it was just Paul, George and I still in the home.

Clip, clip, clip. I watched as George snapped the buckles of his guitar case closed and picked it up. "El, do you want to head out?" He said with a smirk. "Or y'know, if you wanted you could stay here and dance some more..."

We both chuckled.

"No George, I think we should go. I think it would disrupt Paul's beauty sleep." I turned to Paul.

"Oh really now?" Paul said crossing his arms.

"Yes truly. I know how much you need your sleep little Paulie." He squinted his eyes at me and we all laughed.

"Anyways Paul, I had a blast, thank you for having me."

"Anytime Ella. Next time you' see us play we'll be on stage too, so it'll be better."

"Great! Well, see you soon!"

"You too!"

George and I waved goodbye and hustled out of the house. I watched as he carried his guitar, switching hands from time to time. He was amazing in everyway, but nothing official had been asked by him, which meant we could be nothing more than friends. My stomach turned into a knot thinking about how he might not even like me as anything more than just another bird he met at a club.

We walked for quite sometime before reaching my house. We locked eyes for a moment before I turned away blushing, afraid for him to know how I really felt about him. I walked up the stairs to my door as George stood below watching me open it.

"Hey El?" He said softly right before I shut the door. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asked.

"Oh-" This question caught me off guard as I let go of the door handle. "Sure. Come in." He stepped up the stairs shutting the door behind us both.

"George, do you want some tea?" I asked as we stood awkwardly in the entry room.

"Uh sure. That would be nice."

I hurried to the kitchen to fix the tea. When I stepped back to the room where George was last seen, he was nowhere to be found. The only trace of him was his black shoes, neatly placed beside my flats in the corner. I smiled at this, getting caught up in the moment I snapped back to reality with the sound of a kettle squealing.

Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot... I whispered to myself running back to the kitchen once more. I grabbed the kettle and took it off of the burner as quietly as possible and grabbed two cups out of the cabinet to my left. Pouring the tea equally into both cups I grabbed them and ran over to the coffee table in the living room placing them neatly on two coasters.

"George?!" I called out from the living room.

Soon enough the boy came bursting from the spare room.

"I- um- I was just looking." He said grabbing at the back of his neck. "Sorry."
"It's ok George. I made you your tea."

"Oh, thanks."

He took a sip of it and we both sat down on the comfy peach colored couch.

"Hey El, you should give me a house tour."

"Well," I was caught by surprise, my room wasn't clean enough for guests and certainly not my crush. "sure. Come with me."

I walked around the Liverpool home pointing out each room and special objects. We mounted the steps heading upstairs. I showed him the bathroom, the spare room (which he had already seen) and where my mother's room was. I was glad my mother was out that night for if she saw me with a boy, she would've killed me.

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