7: The Life Of a Quarryman

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The days went by horribly slow waiting for Wednesday night. On the night of the show, I made my way to The Cavern as fast as I could, hoping I would arrive early. 

Slipping past dozens of people I made my way to the stage. I stood as close as could to make sure that they could see me and I could see them. My hair was combed out straight and pulled out of my face with a thin white headband, my dress was a pastel purple color which stopped at the knees, I thought I looked ok,  good enough to attract George but not other men. The lady who was previously on stage had left, and the room was filled with small talk once more. 

An older gentlemen approached the stage and the room suddenly became smaller as everyone inched closer to the platform.

 He brought the microphone close to his face and with a booming voice announced: "Ladies and gentlemen, The Quarrymen!"

The crowed gave an enthusiast applause as the four men took the stage. I watched smiling as they hurried over to their microphones and drums.

"Hello everyone, we are The Quarrymen!" Paul announced talking rather quickly. "This is John, Pete and George." 

All four of them waved to the audience. I admired the  attractive look on George's face as he surveyed the room. His eyes dotted across the area until they finally met mine. He grinned and gave a little wave.

I was lost in his eyes, but he was too focused on his guitar and Paul's words to notice. 

"1, 2, 3, 4!" Paul counted in with energy.

"Hello little girl
Hello little girl
Hello little girl"

 I was overcome with joy as I watched the 4 boys bop around. John seemed to squat up and down, Paul bounced around cheerfully swaying to the beat and George... Well, he seemed nervous.

"When I see you everyday
I say, "Mm mm hello little girl"
When you're passing on your way
I say, "Mm mm hello little girl"

When I see you passing by
I cry, "Mm mm hello little girl"
When I try to catch your eye
I cry, "Mm mm hello little girl"

I shook my head and twirled around.  Light as a feather once again, I caught the eye of George who was singing backup! I had never heard him sing before, even at practice.  My ears listened to only George as I stopped and stared. 

"I send you flowers but you don't care
You never seem to see me standing there
I often wonder what you're thinking of
I hope it's me and love, love, love!

So I hope there'll come a day
When you'll say, "Mm you're my little girl"

He was a beautiful singer, but what surprised me the most again was that George had a solo!

I jumped around for the short time in which George was playing alone. I laughed and made a fool of my self as I rocked out to the music. 

"Woooo!" I yelled jokingly as George finished his solo.

I zoned out as I watched George concentrate. He looked up at me when he had the chance but mostly just kept his eyes on his bandmates and his guitar. I could tell he had a passion a real, thriving passion. 

The song soon ended and they played a few more.  I wouldn't stop dancing for the life of me, though, my energy did eventually give out. The boys stopped playing after a while and I went to greet George and the others.

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