5: Band Practice

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Drrrinnggg, drrriinnnggg, drrrrriinnn-

I picked up the phone and set it to my ear. "Hello? This is Ella speaking." 

"Uh hello Ella, this is George."

"Oh hi George, it's nice of you to call!" I said cheerfully.

"The lads and I are going to Paul's house to practice tonight. He said you could come too if you wanted." 

"Well sure George, I'll be there! What time?"

"Seven, we could be there for a while."

"That sounds great, I'll see you there."
"You too, bye El!" He said mysteriously.

"Bye George!"

Placing the phone down I twirled around the bright room. I flew upstairs loudly stomping my feet against the hard wood stairs and ran to my room. I fell backwards on my bed letting the white blankets ripple in effect. I felt like the main character in a romance movie, falling in love slowly with a boy I just met. I knew John, Paul and Pete would be there but I knew I would only be watching one boy, that boy would be George Harrison.

At 6:30 I started to get ready, walking down the roads of Liverpool everything seemed more beautiful than ever before. The houses were more welcoming, the lights shone brighter, and the laughter of every boy and girl sounded more gleeful. As I approached the brick building known as the McCartney residence I felt lighter than a feather, this would be the first time I heard their band and the first time I would listen to George play. I would also be able to hear live rock & roll music, which didn't often happen to me.

I knocked on the door firmly and waited. After a moment of quick rustling  the door opened with a creek. "Hello El, come on in." Paul smiled at me as I hurried inside thanking him. "The boys are just in the other room." He led me down a hallway and into a baby blue painted room with 2 chairs, a drum set, a few guitars, a bass and an old couch all spread around the room. 

"Wow." I exclaimed practically speechless. "This is awesome." Paul smiled at me.

"Do you like music?" He asked.

"Oh yes! It's my favorite, especially Rock & Roll." I said grinning from ear to ear.

"That's great. Well, I'm sure you'll love us then, we play good music but only half of it is our own work."
I was obviously delighted, Paul noticed this. He was about to say something else but before he could finish his sentence 3 boys walked in with sandwiches filling their mouths and hands.

"Uh hi El." George said muffled by the pb&j stuffed in his mouth.  

"Hi George. Looks like you've got your hands full, and mouth." John laughed at this remark nudging George with his elbow. 

They both set the sandwiches down on a small table beside the couch.  I watched them each grab their instruments and start strumming some random chords. As I sat down on the old sofa they began to start a song, the name of it was Back in the U.S.A -Chuck Berry.

George started off the song with the iconic intro, my mouth fell opened realizing George could actually play! Pete kicked in with the drums a few seconds later and they soon began to play as a band. Paul and John took the vocals which surprised me, I didn't expect John to be the singer type. John then began to sing the first verse, his voice was amazing and raspy yet fresh, something I had never heard before. They all shared a great deal of talent, effortlessly playing one of the biggest songs in the last few years. Though they all were amazing at what they did, I couldn't keep my eyes off of George. He preformed the piano solo on his guitar with ease as I clapped along cheering. 

My gosh he looks good with a guitar around him. I thought to myself smiling and clapping along. 

By this time I was dancing around the room, not twirling but actually dancing. I spotted a few laughs in between breaths but that didn't stop me. I was having the time of my life and nobody could slow me down. I twisted and watched my dress fly around me for dramatic effect. Paul and John gave George a look, and George looked back giving them a look, which brought the lad's wandering minds back to the music.

George was the best guitar player I had ever heard live. He preformed a real guitar solo on time and perfectly. My jaw dropped and I danced as hard as I could for a confidence booster.

They ended the song with a bang, laughing as I cheered and applauded them for their amazing work. 

"That was incredible!" I called out beaming.

"I'm glad you liked it!" George said, grinning. 

"Liked it- I loved it!"

For a few more seconds I continued to rave about how great they did, Paul, John, George and even Pete looked at me smiling at my remarks.

For another hour or so, they continued to play all my favorites tunes. I kept on dancing, they kept on playing, that's how it went. Every now and then, one of them would stop for a moment to grab another sandwich before heading back to their instrument. But all in all, it was a night filled with laughter and music, my two favorite things.

Hi guys, I'm splitting this chapter into 2 parts. What do you guys think so far? Do you have any ideas on what will happen? 

 I hope you guys enjoyed this! Remember to vote and comment so more people can find this story. Thank you all so much and have a great day/ night!

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