10: Jealousy

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The sun shone through my window perfectly, as if to say today would be great. I squinted at the brightness that grazed my eyes beginning to stir. Looking to my left, I had realized that Paul was nowhere to be seen. In fact, all that was left were some ruffled sheets and a little note folded in half perfectly . I picked up the note and unfolded it, reveal a small scribbled on messaged.

Good morning Ella,

You might be wondering where I am... If you haven't noticed already there is only one pillow on the bed, I have the other.

Come find me for a prize, we shall fight to the death.

- Paul

I giggled and picked up the pillow which lay resting on the headboard. My adrenaline rose as I tip toed out of the room sneakily. I pulled the cushion up to my chest as if it were a breastplate.

By this time, I was making my way down the creaky stairs. At the bottom I rounded the corner silently since I had already made enough noise. I entered the kitch-


"Ah!" I yelled stumbling backwards barely able to contain my laughter. "Ohhh I'm am SO going to get ya Paul!"

I wacked Paul back with even more force.

*Swish, Smack!*

*Swish, Smack!*

He grabbed the pillow out of my hand and began to hit me with both at the same time.

"No!" Paul chuckled "I'm gonna *smack* get *smack* you!"

I fell to the floor, laughing too hard to concentrate.

He picked me up and swung me over his back with a thud. I struggled aimlessly as he set me down gently on a kitchen chair.

"I made breakfast!" He cheered grabbing two plates shoving scrambled eggs and sausage onto them.

"Thank you Paul," I said adding a smile to the positive atmosphere. "for everything."

"Oh it's no problem El! I'm sure you'd do the same for me."

I would.

After he finished his plate and I ate half of mine a thought became present in my busy mind.

"Hey umm Paul, what am I supposed to wear, I don't have anything here. I mean, yesterday when I was different 'cause I was hungover but, I really don't have anything." I said in an embarrassed tone grabbing my left arm and rubbing it.

"Oh there's no problem here El, I have what you need. Don't tell the boys but I have a comb that might work for you, an extra toothbrush and I'm sure there is something you could wear of mine."

I nodded as he led me upstairs to his bedroom. He pulled out a comb fit for my type of hair and chucked it to me.

"Thanks Paul." I giggled.

"Don't mention it, really, don't."

We both laughed and he motioned me to the bathroom where he handed me a toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and arrived back in the bedroom quickly.

I stood beside the bed as he handed me a white T-shirt and some black pants.

"I know that you wouldn't normally wear this, but it's all I got. The pants are too small for me and so is the shirt so ya might as will have 'em."

"Thank you Paul." I smiled thankfully.

He walked out of the room quietly. I quickly undressed and pulled up the shirt and pants. I stared at myself through his mirror longing for a better body, but at least these articles of clothing weren't form fitting.

Heading downstairs, Paul already had his coat on since he had been dressed since I had woken up.

"Where are we going Paul?"


We ran down the crowded streets of Liverpool barely noticing the many people who glanced at us. We made our way down Lime street running hand and hand, I'm almost positive that the other citizens thought we might had been a couple, but that would never happen.

Eventually, we had made our way to the more closed-in side of town. There were alleyways every 50 feet and many side roads that were longing to be ventured down. Paul and I slowed down, out of breath. I looked around at the scenery, everything seemed to be darker than it was just moments prior.

This side of town was closed-in, which meant it was hard to escape. I glanced around watching the old men stare me down menacingly, smirking at me if I met with their eyes. Paul hadn't noticed this for he was too pre-occupied talking about chord progressions he would use if new songs.

For a moment, I caught eyes with a man around his 40's. He began walking behind us, his dark hair was messy and his 5 o'clock shadow was visible even at this time of day.

"Paul." I whispered.

"Yes El?" He questioned looking me in the eyes.

"There's a man, behind us. This is going to sound silly but can we speed up a little?

Paul tightened his grip around my hand and we picked up the pace, the man followed in suit. I could hear his shoes clank against the ground as he marched uncomfortably close.

"What is it with me and 40 year old men?" I mumbled to Paul.

He spoke with his eyes giving me a reassuring look.

"Look!" He yelled pointing his finger to the road.

The man and I both looked to the road, before I knew it I was swooped around into a dark alleyway by Paul. We watched as the man turned around to face where we should have been with a surprised look. He took a few steps backwards and eventually stumbled back the other way and left.

"Thank you Paul." I cried hugging him tight.

"You're welcome. That was pretty creepy y'know."
"Oh I know Paul, I know."
Paul hugged me close.

"Well, well, well." A familiar voice cut through. "If it isn't El and her boyfriend... Her second one might I add."

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