13: Lucy's Records

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"Ella?" A familiar voice questioned.

"Y-Yes?" I let my eyes adjust to the darkness of the night, slowly coming to terms with the fact that there was another person beside me.

The figure sat down beside me, leaning their back against the red gates. I hoisted myself up until I was at eye level with the figure.

"Ella it's me, Lucy."

"Oh... Hi Lucy." I muttered happily knowing it was someone I knew.

"Is everything alright?" She asked pushing fallen leaves off of my shivering body.

My heart sunk when the memories of earlier had finally come back.

I threw myself into Lucy's arms and began to cry.

"Oh Ella, what's wrong?" She quizzed hugging me back tightly.

"Lucy it's the worst." I mumbled into her shoulder in between sobs. "My best friends, they hate me now. George hates me, I'm sure Paul hates me and John and I hate each other."

"It's going to be alright Ella." She said soothingly. "I'm sure there is something that can be done."

"N-no, you don't understand." I asserted removing her arms from my grasp. "Nothing can be done."

After a few more moments of her calming me down she pulled me off of the group and we began to walk.

"Hey... What time is it anyways?" I questioned.

"8 pm, why?"

"Oh my goodness, it's even more late then I thought." I cried, catching my breath.

"El, you don't seem ok. If you want, you can spend the night at my house."


It was about 10 pm. I was seated clumsily on Lucy's sofa in her warm toned living room.

"Cup'pa tea?" She asked holding out a mug.

I took a long sip flushing out the negative thoughts I had swirling around in my mind.

"Ella." She paused staring at her feet. "If you don't mind, what happened? You didn't really explain to me fully what the problem was earlier..."

I gave a shallow chuckle and began to tell her everything.

"Wow." She stated as I wrapped up the ramble. "That's a lot to go through, I'm so sorry." Giving me a sympathy pat she strode over to her record player. Placing the needle down on an unknown record she pulled me off of the couch.

"I know this is a slow song, but we can make the best of it until it's over."

She grabbed my hands and began to twirl me around lazily. I watched as she tried to dip me fashionably but instead dropped me on the floor with a clunk.

We both burst out laughing, her collapsing on the floor as well.

"That was stupid of me." She said between giggles.

"Yes... Yes it was!" I shouted standing up and brushing myself off. "Thank you Lucy, I feel a little better now."

"You're welcome El. But, I think we can get them back..." Lucy said spinning around to face me. "Come with me!"
With that, she grabbed my hands and dragged me to me to her bedroom.

"Listen El, I've thought about your situation and your going to get George back."

"I will?"
"Yes! Now listen, here's the plan. First, we leave George alone. I'm sure that won't be hard considering the circumstances."
I gasped.

"O-oh sorry did I offend you El?"
"No, I just didn--"

"Ok great." She said cutting me off. "Put this on." She chucked me a small dark blue dress, it was awfully short but looked great.

" She chucked me a small dark blue dress, it was awfully short but looked great

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"Lucy this dress is way too short!" I exclaimed. The image of people mistaking me for a hooker flashed in my mind.
"Oh whatever El! There's a reason you're wearing it. Besides, you can always wear a coat."

I sighed, knowing Lucy had a plan. Although, it would help if I knew what it was. Obviously her plan would work better than my already failed one.

"Alright back to the plan!" She said beginning to rummage through her closet. "So, here's what we are going to do."

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