12: Gone, Denied

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It had been days since you had left the comfort of your home. Instead of running around with the boys you had been stuck under your bedsheets letting the tears run down from your cheeks.  During the many hours that you had spent on your lonesome you had been crafting a plan. This plan was not a sturdy plan and could possibly make things worse, but how could they be any worse then they were now? That was a question that you couldn't answer.

You had tried calling George but it was no use, there was no answer each time you called weeping. You hadn't seen John since "the incident", thank goodness. But, Paul had tried to reach you, he had tried to come into your home. But, you wouldn't allow it.  After much contemplation, you had realized that it was your fault that George hated you and Paul didn't deserve to be caught in this mess. So, you wouldn't let him in. He had other friends, better friends even. It wasn't right for him to try and fix my mistake.

I opened my diary quickly plopping down on an armchair in the corner of my room. Flipping to a random page I began to scribble down the plan that would help me get George back.

#1: Go to George's house and try to ask for forgiveness.

#2: Ask Paul to forgive you for shunning him, explain why you did it.

#3: Reason with John and see if he will at least be a little nicer.

"There..." I muttered closing the book and chucking it onto my dresser. I ran over to my closet fetching something nice to wear for these important tasks. I eventually decided on a plain red dress which would complement me during the early autumn weeks. The decision was made final by placing my locket around my neck after taking it off for many days. Sighing, I made my way into the windy fall evening just outside of my window.

Silently, I stood gripping onto my sleeves as I placed myself on the front steps of George's home. I took a deep breath and knocked.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

My breathing hitched as the front door squeaked open to reveal the boy whom I loved.

"George it's so great to see y-"


My knees grew weak as I processed what had just occurred. But instead of leaving, I stood my ground and knocked once more.

No answer... I kept on knocking.

For about 30 more seconds I stood stupidly on his front steps. As I was just about to knock once more the door burst opened.

"What the hell do you want now huh?" His voice had a certain huskiness to it. As if he hadn't slept in days. "First you're off snogging Paul and then now you come and ask for forgiveness? Well your answer is no, I will not forgive you. Goodbye El." With that he slammed the door.

"George! Wait, please!" I cried.

It was too late, too late to fix everything. I immediately took off running. I ran for what seemed to be hours, eventually collapsing outside of an old orphanage of which its name I cannot recall. I leaned back against the old red gates whimpering. 

"So much for not crying." I whispered curling weakly into a ball. 
Letting out a powerful sob, I grabbed the end of my dress and scrunched it up. I could never care about little things such as wrinkles in this state.

"G-George... P-Please..." I said weeping. 

My vision faded in and out as the event in which had just occurred repeated in my mind. After little to no time, I fell into a deep sleep, curled in a little bawl resting uncomfortably at the gates of an orphanage.

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