The color of envy is actually red part 1

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Anthur herre sorry for not updating in this a long time. i have been really busy and focussing on my grades in school let me tell you i have been improving and i am on break after tuesday this week so i will be able to wokr on writting some more. the next few chapters really had to be strategically planned so it is going to take sometime. if you guys have any ideas please don't be affraid to comment

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there was something in the air of that gym room (far different from the electrocuting buzz i felt in the classroom). i could feel it, tingling my skin with the sensation. the energy of fellow students. there was hushed chatter all about but the subtle silence spoke of focus and drive. I never understood this tradition of ranking students on the terms of their athletic capability and aesthetic appearance. how on earth this promoted the unification of students as a whole instead of institutionalizing bad stereotypes and faulty interpretations and high expectation for beauty was beyond me. However the other students seemed to be rally at the prospect of the victorious outcomes of today. that how the first day always was, filled with this unspoken potential and hope but when the final results where solidified the next day and the twenty candidates chosen the students would be filled with emotion ranging from defeat, to self loathing, hate of others, happiness, and envyness. Tomorrow was when the true mudslinging would begin.


for now however all was well in the gym room. I fiddled with my group color card, green. there was a total of five groups so that the teachers could have an easier time organizing all of the stats and so that the events for assessment could come about smoothly and quickly. girls spoke of the tortuous trial that they went through to prepare for this day. how the weighed themselves and dieted until they fainted, how many facial masks they had placed on themselves in the last week, their punctually refined daily routines. Gumball knew that in their bags were curling irons and creams and accessories they needed for after their hair would be ruined by the extensive exercises they were about to take place. Thier conversation filled with joy stiff smile and synthetic giggles, i wanted to gag.


The males were no better, if not worse. they wore their most expensive and high quality athletic clothes that day. Boys boasted about their new skin tight armored shirt or their crisp clean 200 dollar jordans, nike, and reebok shoes. They were all overly conscious of their stances trying to look alert, well muscled, and masculine while still being relaxed, cool and not even trying. Some of them still fiddled with there air, a couple of them obviously over gelling so hair would not be an inch out of place when they ran across the court. Once again nauseating.


Anthony had parted from me to be with his fellow teammates across the court but that didn't stop him from shyly waving at me every chance he got. Every Time a waved humiliatingly as smooth as i waved shyer back. i am not really used to this public display of affection for anyone, plus i heard snickering from fellow students after every time we did wave at each other.


Ashley stood in the opposite corner of the room surrounded by her followers and praiser. her  hair was impressively combed back into a high ponytail with brads along the scalp of her hair going into the ponytail.  The hair made her look put together and she once again had that air about her, that she was calm, collected, that i thought when i first meet her. i could have never been more wrong in my interpretation of a person in my entire life.


My thoughts had been lost in space for so long standing in that room that i had just noticed a pair of eye in the same corner that had been staring straight at me the entire time. those eyes belonged to none other that Marshall Lee.

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