memory of a memory

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I am so happy to be still going on this fic! Vote, follow, and always comment. always. Ashley is based of the character 'Ash' from adventure time. episode memory of a memory.

Marshall and I ate their fries in peace after that. I got to hear some of the history of the group and things about Marshall. I still wanted to know more about him.

"-marshall, for the longest time, dated this girl Ashley."

I could feel my walls go up inside of my chest. the feeling was like he was sinking to dark water.

"he never told me about that."

"he probably wouldn't she broke up with him. it was bad. she moved away to go to an arts school. he loved her more than anything. she gave him all the attention and flattery he wanted."

"they even moved in together after her and her mom got into this fight." Il sort of frowned. I was a tad jealous. Marshall and I were, and are, not as close as that. We had been on one date together, a beautiful date but still just one date, and sat ,for the first time, at lunch together but was attacked by a super fire being. it didn't scream romantic. Gumball just sat there listening.

"she was a queen here. all the girls wanted to be her and all the guys wanted to do her." the group laughed, except for myself. i bitterly smiled.

"I know i did bro!" the boy snickered and was punched playfully in the shoulder by a friend. "she was always the life of the party."

and they continued on. I understood why. they were talking about their friend. a friend that they particularly enjoyed. But Marshall and me are a couple now , so of course i tunned myself out on this conversation. she was pretty, bold, ready for everything, confident...Just like Marshall no wonder the two of them got along so well. they both like the same type of music. she was everything i wasn't that fact was obvious.

After the club meeting that was all I could think about. Even though Marshall was sitting on the curb beside me thigh to thigh, this Ashley was on my mind.

"hey gumball, you wanna go to this party?" Marshall said typing on his phone,"dj Candy is putting it on so it's gonna be nasty."

Gumball let out a sigh," I don't think so you know i don't really frequent the party scene that much anyway. Party like that make me feel uncomfortable." I ran my hand against my arm up and down out of nervousness. I really didn't like party's all that much he rather go home watch a movie with a pile of junk food with a group of his closest friends. 

But I knew that Marshall loved to party. He was a go getter, loved to be in the spot light. I knew that Marshall like the buzz of the party and the pulse of a rave. Maybe Ashley had been like that too.

"Come one Gumball it'll be fun, promise," Marshall pleaded leaning on me and rubbing his face into my shoulder.

"I said no. You can go if you want but I don't want to," I refused. I had already said no. Why couldn't Marshall understand that?

"Oh come-"

"Mar-Mar Baby! Guess who's back in town!" There was a girl strutting over to us. she had waist long hair, small smooth black gages, and a large smile. Her arms were outspread like she was expecting a hug.

"A-Ashley," Marshall combed a hand through his hair. Ashly? I looked back at this girl with brand new eyes. This was the girl that they were talking about. She was rather stunning in a punk beauty kind of way. There was a chill hair about her that she was confident but laid back as well. She wasn't shy. You could most certainly tell that she wasn't conservative by the way she dressed, a ribbed highlight shirt in which she wore a black sports bra under-it till showed allot of the skin of her sides and back, she had on high waisted short shorts with silver button adorned on them, exposing her long legs, and to complete the outfit she wore black spiked high top, heeled, tennis shoes. 

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