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dear followers and readers I am back please don't hate me I am so sorry for everything. this is a short update so I am sorry for that to next update should be soon.

I decided let Ashley's mom take care of her after that. I knew i was going to have to deal with her latter, especially since i left her with her mom and didn’t stay, but i just wanted to be alone now. I had to think. What the hell did i think i was doing? I just need to let Gumball go and live. I shouldn’t be trying to win Gumball back i should be trying to at least win his respect back. I need to start actually being of use and stop just floating around and being a problem.

Even with that in mind. I can’t help but think how much gumball has changed my world for me. I didn’t know that i had a heart. Literally i didn’t believe i had one until Gumball once pointed it out that i did have one, it just beats very quietly since i'm half dead. I also never noticed how many shades the evening sun had until i saw it reflect off of Gumballs hair. I never really cared about stars until i saw it in Gumball’s eyes on night. Just a whole lot of things.

When i finally managed to get back home. I decided to work on some music. It’s been a long time since i really dedicated some good time to singing. School was going to be a butt load of pain tomorrow. then again when is school not painful for me?

i have had a pretty terrible start to the school year education wise. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that i don’t care about my future it’s just that school is so time consuming that it’s tedious and therefore hard for me to give an actual damn. Which sucks because I at least want to do mediocrely well so that i can graduate and leave the damn place, which in itself should be it’s own form of motivation.

Lately though Ashley’s constant need to go out and party has me trying to fit in snippets of homework time and studying in really odd places. For instance yesterday i turned in pre-calc homework written on crappy bar napkins. Unfortunately, the teacher would recognize that it was  crappy bar to because on each of the napkins had the stupids swirly letters of the bar name and it’s notorious logo. Ashley was dieing to go this bar with a terrible ever present red colored theme called ‘Homra’ that in all honesty was kind of dominated by the presence of this obviously asian gang of sorts. It was loud and a clumsy sort of humid heat inside, i couldn’t concentrate and the whole place had stench of smoke, mixed with cheap liquor, and desperation. This was pretty much all of the places that Ashley wanted to go where like, unless we were going to a local band concert.

Local band concerts where pretty cool, so I didn't mind going. in fact it was awesome entertainment on a manageable high school boy budget. i will admit that i can get a little crazy, i like crowd surfing just as much as the next guy, but ashley sometimes got out of hand. She would accept drinks from anyone who ever handed her a cup and she would also joint smoke whatever that person was smoking next to her. And she could well get it too, using her charm to lure it over. Sometimes it was tobacco and sometimes it was weed, it was hard for me to keep track.

This of course resulted in ashley getting sick allot.  Over the course of a  couple weeks she had gotten sick twice. I was there for her of course, but i didn’t change the fact that she should be little bit more aware.

Anyway, my grades are sucking balls right now.

So it should be of no shock that i was using sparknotes like a religious person to catch up with lasts nights ‘Catcher in the Rye’ reading while i was trying topics cook breakfast before school. Or at least enough so that if we have a pop quiz today that Ms.Lemon loves to death i won't terrible fail or if she decides to pick on me to answer a question in my moment of weakness i won’t have the stupid derp moment and have her yelling ‘Unsatisfactory!’ at me again.

I heard the doorbell ring and all i could do was curse. it just had to be Ashley. A person of which i was not really ready to deal with their junk right now. I hurried to the door to answer it anyway to find that it wasn’t Ashley

it was Bubbah Gumball.

which sucked junk because i wasn’t in the best shape to be seen at the moment. I still had a bed head and i was wearing plaid pajama bottoms and old white socks. I wouldn't be surprised if i still had dried on drool from my sleep still crusty on my face.

“G-gumball why-” i attempted to ask but Gumball interrupted me before i could actually finish.

“I brought you this,” He extended an arm that was holding a jar of especially conjured healing ointment.

“Oh,’ shit.well that means Gumball knows what’s going on. creatures like vampires can’t physically harm themselves, it’s called immortal for a reason. Gumball knows this far to well. “Thanks guess…”

i mentally wanted to punch myself. ‘Thanks i guess’?! could i sound anymore like an absolute jerk.

“No,” i said trying to correct myself,”I mean-I’m...Thank you.” I tried to look him in the eye but i couldn’t as i accepted the jar. One because i am still very ashamed of myself and in the other fact that my face was reddening at an alarming rate. you see, gumball looked rather cute that morning.

He had on of those dorky sweater vests on and a clean crisp white shirt. He also had this bow-tie on that was positioned perfectly on his neck. If you looked closely it had little designs of lollipops on them.

“Marshall?” Gumball questioned.

realizing that i was caught in a daze for awhile, i was startled. All i could utter was a sort of “Hmm?”

“may i come in? Just for a little bit.” Gumball asked with those captivating,consuming eyes looking right at me.

How on earth could have i possible have said no?

50 shades of Red (gumshall/ Gumlee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now