Caramine Red

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Currently, Anthony and I were shopping for our attire for the fall jam. Anthony really wanted me to be an angel. I wanted to be a mad scientist. I was a scientist last year but as a chemist this is a whole different thing.

"Oh Please Gumball you would look so nice."

"I actually wanted to wear something pink," Pink lab gloves are all the rage. "Besides i don't think i would look very decent in attire like that."

Anthony draped arms over his shoulder,"Pretty please with sugary sprinkles on top," that bit made me smile a tad. "maybe you should try wearing something that not pink for a while you know. especially when you want to look more classy and professional you know."

"Excuse me? pardon my sass but i thought that's what you liked about me? Do you not remember."

"Gumball? Oh Gumball of course I remember," He pulled me in by my waist, " How could i have ever forgotten? How about we do a pale pink! It's pink and angelic?"

"i will agree to that..." i said. Anthony wasted no time.

"I'll pick out your costume can pick out mine too if you want." Anthony said nervously. "Sorry it's just," His face got read. "Your the first boyfriend that i will ever get to go to a dance with i just want everything to go perfect and i want you to have a great time. Actually-"he broke into more nervous laughter. "Nevermind. Uhh we should split up and meet up later."

"Okay. Anthony are you alright?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." Anthony smiled. A fake one this time i could tell. it was as if his eyes were frowning and his lips were chuckling. It felt wrong, like suddenly going down a screen and suddenly seeing an oxymoron you don't understand. Ecstatically melancholy. that's what it looked like.

I think a magician would be the perfect costume for Anthony. A classic pinstripe tailed suit, decorated mask, a dashing cap, shiny black shoes, and a signature white tipped wand and sleek top hat was all that i needed to gather. I waited by the dressing room with my hands full of my bounty, neatly folded and piled in my hands.

Anthony on the other hand , jogged over with a multitude of items.

"Well that looks rather feathery," I said laughing at the pair of wings he struggled to carry over his shoulder while carrying two large bags.

"Well they are going to be your wings."

After the items where purchased. i suggested that we should stop by the Trunks cafe. I haven't had time to go there in months and it used to be the place i would go to after school often . It was a fairly quiet cafe besides the clink clank of coffee cups and silver forks and idle chit chat of customers. All coffees had this sort of hum to it.

I ordered some tea and Anthony ordered an arnold palmer. we sat down in the corner, the one nearest to the great stained glass window looking out into the late afternoon traffic.

I was constantly drinking my tea and looking out at the window. I loved how the light would shift and shine out of it. It was like it was a living and breathing entity.Then i glanced at anthony. He wasn't staring at the window, or drinking coffee (in fact he hadn't even touched the cup), instead he was staring at me with a strange sort of expression. Was he looking at me this whole time?

"Anthony? Is everything alright?"

Anthony sighed,"I'm sorry Gumball. I just." He frowned his eyebrows. "I'm an idiot."

"Anthony! that is absolutely ludicrous. You are brilliant! Example your recovery in math has been extraordinary! And-"

"No. It's not.I-I just. You have no idea how much i adore you Gumball." He gently grabbed one of my hands. "Y-you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And you-you-I desperately want this to work Gumball" He released a nervous laugh." You know you're the first boyfriend that I've had that has not only been with me the longest but also the only one that i didn't catch making out with someone else? I know pathetic. That's what they told me too." i was shocked, i didn't know that Anthony had a history of bad relationships. Maybe that was the history that ricardo was trying to tell me about. " So I just want to want the dance to go great you know. I want to make you feel special the way you make me feel special and stuff. Yeah. B-but you're drifting away from me and i can't even-i just. I don't think i will ever let you go"

50 shades of Red (gumshall/ Gumlee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now