Chestnut is eyes burgundy his heart

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So I escorted Gumball to school. We walked, leaving my precious baby at his house, begging to be ridden. I only decided to because Gumball was a wreck and putting him on “the monstrosity of evil”, as Gumball clearly stated, seemed a bit too much. Though the experience of his rant was funny he did not smile once, nor did he go out of his way to make fun at me, at least not after he told me about his situation with Fiona.

One thing was for sure both of these peoples needed to learn their place. For one, I am 90% sure that Flame prince had a colossal crush on my, and may I remind it is my, Gumball. I need to put this guy in place before he spontaneously combusts and act upon his feelings declaring his love in front of people and other junk. For another, Lumpy space prince and I needed to have a long chat. The kind that ended with me yelling “If I ever hear your rachy lumpin’ butt talkin’ about my gumball again I’ll stick that star jem so far up your junk that you’d wish you were dead,” and things of that sort.

Third was Fiona. Sure, I would love to call her a dog faced blonde bimbo, but she was also one of my only close friends that I have had in a long, long, long time, and where talking about it in Vampire time. Also, from the information that Gumball had told me, Fiona liked me. As in L.O.V.E. It felt like karma finally got the chance to kick me in the gut, and Karma didn’t hold back. I started to remember how many times I thoughtlessly teased and almost verbally harassed about her appearance. I also remembered how many times I jerked her feeling around and at times it was to the point where tears would stream from her eyes. So I sighed, then and there to myself, and come to realize, I am a jerk.

That’s going to change now that Gumball needs me

“What classes do you have today Gumball?” I ask as calm as possible complete opposite to the discord reeking havoc on my insides.

“Uh….,” he thought for a while, “Earth Science, home Ed, Ap English, Algebra 2, and Social Studies.”

“Good, that means I have time to walk you to your next class.”

“Why?” he questions my actions like I have always had a justification for everything I do. We all know that’s a lie.

“You ask me why? When I came and found you in such a state, Gumball, it hurt. Besides it’s not only Fiona who is out to get you now.”

“What do you mean by that,” Gumball asked obliviously still not understanding the situation of Flame Prince.

How was I supposed to respond to that? ‘hey gumball flame prince gots the hots for you and since he cannot control himself I think he might attack you,’ I shivered at the thought of not only telling him but flame prince attacking him. No, I asserted myself, no way in Candy Kingdom was I ever going to let that happen.

“Aw nothing Gumball, just getting nervous,” I tell him as I reach to hold his hand. Gumball, of course, is the taken aback by the gesture. He has always thought holding hands was an idiot action that could factor into getting sicknesses and injuries from falling. Though he did try to hide it by looking away from my prying gaze, there was evidence of a blush still red and fresh on his smooth cheeks.

I smirked to myself but that quiky turned into a deep frown as i looked ahead. We where approaching the school grounds and fast. It felt like I was walking home or in other words walking into the gates of Hades, a very unpleasant felling indeed. Today was going to be rough.

Now I feel that I have never been so right in all of my life.

When we got there people openly stared and started talking about some Bull crap I knew not to be true Of course they shut their traps once I got to glaring at them. There was a few out burst from some people “Marshal, how can you still stand beside that man slut,” said a some stupid candy jock I didn’t even recognize a/k/a no one important just someone who thinks he’s the shit, “The only man slut around here can actually point out is myself so don’t go around talking about things you know well you know nothing about punk!” Then someone almost smashed a potted plant on his head deliberately fallen from on of the upper floors when Gumball walked past, until I flew up to catch it and flew even higher to pace it back on the ledge to find no one in sight.

50 shades of Red (gumshall/ Gumlee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now