Rubine Red

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Hey really short chapter but i just wanted to update. Please expect another one soon. This is for somebodies birthday and I am so sorry this was so late! Thanks for all of the comments I read each and everyone and it just fills me with joy!!

I talked with the officer for awhile after that. I figured that it would be safer to spend the night at Marshall's anyway. I am sure I will be getting a call from my father latter. not looking forward to that. I sent him a text telling him about the break in and how I would fill him in if i had time. I am sure he would be worried about his stuff.

"Is there any way I can go inside and get some things?"

"Sure. I just have to go in there with you as a civil stand by."

"Marshall," i said turning my head. Marshall was being quite the way he always did when he was really grumpy over something. I let out a sigh,"will you come in with me?"

"Yeah," he said snapping out from whatever he was thinking about before he returned to glaring at some car that was going down the street awful slowly.

i found myself entering the house slowly. The only sign of forced entry was the broken doorknob. The kitchen appeared to be left alone, thank glob. the officer told me already that he checked for prints.

i opened the fridge. i was surprised not to find everything there, "All my pastries are gone."

"that's weird," marshall said peering into the refrigerator over my shoulder.

"I would be more sad if I were you marshall i was going to give you some of the red velvet cake that I just made."

Marshall glared,"this robber must pay. He's dangerous. Glob knows what he is doing with my -I mean- that cake."

I smiled," I promise that I will make you another one, Okay?"

Marshall leaned in to whisper,"will you feed me it once you make it?"

"would you stop it the officer is very close in proximity," i growled as quietly as possible.

"oh but you face is so red bubbah. It be a shame not to savor this.'

I pushed marshall away. telling myself that there would be plenty of time for snuggles later. "Thank glob peppermint wasn't in the house today. She went to go visit a friend." I said to myself, "Officer have you checked all the rooms?"

"Your room's the one downstairs is it not?"

"No that room is my Father room."

"Oh. I guess we didn't check the upstairs rooms then."

"You didn't check up stairs? at all?" Marshall rose his voice angrily. I hope he knows that insulting an officer counts as assault.

"Well it's a good thing that you are still here officer." I said tugging ever so slightly on Marshall's sleeve. "My room is upstairs so we will be heading up there now. If you would like to follow me?"

When I opened the door to my room all I could do was gasp.My room was a mess. i would have dropped the bags i was holding if it weren't for Marshall. No my room was more than a mess it was disaster. Someone had ripped my comforter to sherds, the stuffing spread on the ground as if it was gutted in anger by a dog. My desktop was untouched, thank glob. He didn't appear to touch any of my stuff for my Dad but that doesn't mean that the person couldn't have read them. I rushed over to them and started packing the up. The officer started taking pictures. There was a several things missing. I had recently moved Marshall's tiger lilies in here and now they were no longer on the windowsill. Out of all the things they had to take they just had to take that. I groaned.

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