Folly (Back Together)

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The night was cool and dark. Over head one could see there was allot more stars in the night sky then there usually was. A cold breeze made me shiver. I held anthony's hand as i pulled him along to the reflection pool. The place where i decided that i would break up with Anthony. I refused to look back him. I couldn't. His face was probably full of hope or confusion. And for me to know that i was going to be the person at fault for breaking his heart? It drove me mad. It made me so sad. No one deserves to have a broken heart. Is it that unavoidable at this point? I was afraid still. Better to do this in private rather than in front of other people. It was the human thing to do.

I stopped walking and turned around. Here it goes. Don't cry Gumball.

"Anthony. You have treated me so very kindly and just as a gentlemen should. But" i paused. Anthony had a face of pure shock on his face. Why couldn't this be easier. I kept shuddering my words, trying to express myself "-but you deserve someone who you not only love but can love you in return and I-I...I don't love you-"

"-You don't know that!" Anthony said loudly with his voice cracked, panic in his eyes. "We just need a little bit more time to get to know each other! I just need more time," He moved to cup my cheek but i moved away, taking a step back as caution. This refusal sent him rambling even more," You'll see! Don't leave me!" Anthony yelled grabbing onto my forearms as if to keep me from doing just that.

"I know you don't want that but It's-" the right thing to do. i wanted to say but Anthony interrupted me again.

Anthony eye's darkened, "What did Marshall say to you?" How was this about Marshall right now? he didn't say anything to me. It's my fault.

"He didn't say anything just-" We can't keep doing this

"This is all his fault!" Anthony snarled, arms flexing as if he where ready to fight Marshall right then and there.

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Now you listen here. this is no one's fault except for mine and-"

"Did i do something. Is that why you want to- want to-" He couldn't even say it. He couldn't say break up with me. This was madness. He kept getting louder. To the point where the volume of his voice shook my rib cage, like a stereo would to the sides of a car.

I feebly spoke," T-there are plenty of people who would love you," i shook my head, "I'm n-"

" I Don't want anyone else! I want you!" he shouted, making me flinch. I cursed myself, so much for a clean breakup. "You have to be mine!"

"Stop it Anthony!" I shouted in a much quieter voice back."You need to calm down. We just need to calm down. Can we just talk?" I pleaded frantically. My instinct where on haywire! It just kept saying. Run. Run. Run! But i promised myself that i wouldn't so i gripped my hands in two tiny balls of fist. Don't run Gumball. This is your fault that things ended up like this. I forced myself to kept standing there trembling in my angel costume.

"No!" Anthony yelled. "I don't want to talk." he leaned in for a kiss. He still kept trying to, even though i was shaking trying to get out of his painful grip.

"Anthony no!"

"Please Gumball."

"Would you just stop"

Anthony huffed," Why can't you calm down? I know that after you-you. You'll just go back to Marshall, won't you?!He hit you Gumball i would never hit you. I have never made you cry. He has done it so many times? How could you chose him over me."

How could I? Go back to Marshall. When he lined it up like that it made sense. Then again how could i not. Even if...still I-

"-he's no good for you! He's tricking you. Don't fall for it. He's just going to break your heart again! I can't stand him!' He leaned in for a kiss again and i started to jerk more violently. Anthony was much stronger than i had anticipated.

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