Red fire burns blue as tears

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My date with Marshall was wonderful. Wait…could one call it date? Oh glob. Perhaps that is wishful, foolish thinking on my part, but I thought the endearing gesture was that suitable and comparable to that of what people call a date.

Weather what people call it; I found it a splendid outing indeed. This must be what feeling giddy feels like and it feels like apple cider coursing through you veins and into your brain making you feel as bubbly as the substance itself.

I am still high on my time with marshal when I walk into the house, humming and suddenly feeling the urge to bake a pie all of the sudden. I should give the pie to Marshall. Is that too forward of me? It sounds kind of creepy giving a dude a baked pie after he took you to a flower shop. In fact, now that I think about it more clearly, it sounds even creepier than I had imagined.

In the end, I decide to make the pie anyway and go into the kitchen. As I pull some of the ingredients out, you know the standard floor, sugar and salt stuff, I hear a noise. The sound of footsteps and the sound of reselling paper or boxes, within my house. Take mind, it was from the inside and it was not the suspicious creeks and cranks that houses make in the silence when your alone, someone or something was definitely inside of my house ,walking about.

I walked to a pink cookie jar and pulled out a pink frosted cookie. Cracked the pastry open like and egg to reveal a crystal sword, much like the one I gave Fiona. I held it close to me and tread the floors with the upmost silence. I can hear whoever it might be in my room. What? I don’t know and I must certainly don’t care about who, except they are in without proper polite entry.

So, forgive me mother, I kicked the door and charged into the room, yelling something along the lines of “Trespasser state you name or your purpose here or who is to say when my twitchy arm might spasm and cut your threatening flesh!” I continue to thrash the sword about crazily without much form at all with my eyes shut until I hear a familiar voice.

“Wait, Gumball! Calm the junk down, no need to get you bananas in a twist,” the voice shouted and I know of only one person who uses the dialect of bananas and junk in the same sentence.

“What in bloody orange cake are you doing here Fiona? You could have just called,” I lowered my sword and pinch my noise to calm my nerves. Finally I set the sword down and playfully slapped both of my cheeks, “A friend such as you though, is always welcomed in my home.” I give her a genuine smile but in return I receive a scowl or a glare of sorts.

“Is…something the matter?” I said. Who could blame me, it was not her usual characteristic to be so mean towards me. She must have had a bad day, I presume. “Have you eaten? If not, I am sure I could whip something up in the kitchen to suffice your-“

“JUST SHUT UP!” Fiona said looking toward the ground and not facing me at all with her body faced toward my bedroom window. The stir fell silent at her words, those of which I have never heard her utter towards me in all of my time spent knowing her.


“Don’t play innocent, Gumball,” she turned to face me ,her eyes red with rage and her golden bangs dyed a shade of red from the setting sun, “It’s all your fault!”

“I don’t know what you speaking of. Please explain, Fiona,” I say in a sympathetic tone. I hated seeing her this way, so blinded with emotion that she did things and said thing she regretted.

“No EXPLAINE yourself! Flame prince showed up at school today with your clothes on him.” I got what she was proposing, that  I was as they say “all up on her man like that” but I would never betray her trust in such a way.

“It’s not what you think Fiona. He overheated again, you know, and his clothes where a mess and I-“

“What? Gumball. What exactly? Use this as a chance to get your petty little pink paws on him since you could never get one on your own?”Her tone was sharp, and it pierced me through my heart. Such words where not of the Fiona I know, she is a happy caring protective person. She is my closest friend.

“What on earth are you insinuating?” I say in a more confused voice than angry, it almost sounded tragic.

“Did you or did you not sleep with Flame Prince ,Gumball?” She yelled at me. There was a pause, not a pause of guilt but a pause of shock.

“I would never do that to you!” now I am yelling my voice shaking at the sadness of her thinking that way of me. “I am not such of a person who do such veil acts! He would never do that to you, either.”

“You liar!”

“I don’t lie,” in fact I am pretty sure it was against the candy genetic code to do so. “He loves you!.”

“NO he’s in love with you,” she paused and I gasped, wondering what exactly have I done. “He said you where kind. Too kind. No one has ever taken the time of day for him like you have. You talked to him so sweetly. Who was I to compete with that...”

“Fiona, I treat you the same as well…your both my friends in my heart.”

“there you go again with that I am friends with everyone bull. I bet it was YOU’RE homosexual phormone things that got to him to make him so SICK as to make him love you.”

“Fiona…” I step towards her attempting to touch her shoulder endearingly, “I’m didn’t mean…I mean I am sorry. I don’t know what-“

Before I could even finish my last sentence, she shoved my hand away and ,with a flash of light and a huge crack like a whip, she back handedly slapped me across the face. It sent me stumbling to the ground, holding the place where she hit me. My face still stung from the attack.

“You did the same thing with Marshall Lee. I wanted him. I did and you just came in and then he only had eyes for you.”

She was in love with Marshall and by the words she just told me she might still be in love with Marshall. It felt awful. I knew the pain of not being loved by Marshall and knowing that I was the source, the cause, the match that lit fire to such a flame within her made me feel like a monster.

I dreaded a moment along the lines of this; That Fiona would never and could never accept Marshall and me. In my mind. I had hoped that she would. That someday, maybe a couple months, we could even do a double date with them somewhere, but fate would not have it this way.

“I won’t let you hurt him like you did me, Gumbal,” I shoot out of my thought and back into her gaze, my eyes still wide, sad, troubled, and now a little anxious. “I know you slept with Flame and I am going to tell him before you get a chance to corrupt him with you poisonous sugary charm.”

No, I thought. No. No. No. No. Please. No. Not Now. Not now when I have him. Finally get taste t\what it feels like to be with him. Finally get a taste of his sweet lips on mine. The Warmth of his grasp and the soothing tone of the hum in his chest when it’s pressed against mine.

“FIONA PLEASE!” I pleaded, on my knees, begging her to have mercy on me. I could not cry, I was still in shock. She ran out the door and I could hear her leave the house, slamming the door shut as she left.

I knew what was going to happen next. Marshall would not be the first person she would go to. No. She would go to lumpy space prince, a specimen that believes in the corrupt gossip justice. When he hears that I slept with Fiona’s boyfriend it will spread like the fire Flame prince is known for, engulfing my life. There wasn’t anything I could do. All I could do is sit and wait for disaster to unfold.

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