★ nicknames.

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what he calls you: my beloved y/n , honey , babe , or just a nickname only he calls you :)

( bonus: my sexy wife/husband/spouse.....or maybe even sexy bitch)

what you call him: goldie, goldstar, my love, bubba

what you both call each other: sweetheart

even if you're way across the large ass hallway, he will SHOUT any of those pet names because he has no shame

you, on the other hand, address him by his name when in the company of other people ( and by that i probably mean belos & kikimora and other people you're not close to ) but when it's only you two, or people are at a distance, you call him any of those names

he likes it a lot though when you address each other by your names idk it feels intimate to him like wow we are acknowledging each others' presence and we are real witches with names and we are in love oh my titan

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