★ you and hunter as ___.

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you and hunter as me and my ex partner :)

( me and my ex are on good terms haha but here's a preference based on what we used to be like! but altered for magical purposes )

you're both students at hexside for this one :)

you two spend a lot, if not all, of your breaktimes together! :))

• especially if you're not in the same track, he makes time to see you and so do you hehe

• hunter walks you back to your next class after the breaktimes and he'll sometimes walk with you going home if he isn't being picked up early

• he likes to steal kisses from you.....a lot. you will literally be caught off guard when he suddenly kisses your cheek or something

• he likes to do this thing where he points to his cheek, motioning for you to kiss it. but when you're about to, he quickly turns his head so you end up kissing him on the lips :')) smooth fucker

• you two hold hands in the halls every chance you get! he likes to lift your hand and kiss it gently <33 gets you very soft n mushy

• you're both awkward with extreme PDA but you two love to hug each other :')) he likes to hug you from behind too and rest his head on your shoulder

• you're both lowkey but also not?? like it's not very public that you two are dating but when people find out, it doesn't surprise them

• you two switch jackets often hehehe his jackets make you feel warm and you get even warmer knowing that it's hunter's clothing that you're wearing

• you don't have much "outside" dates but it's okay since you see each other almost everyday!

• you're the first person he's ever bought flowers for ehehe he gave them to you on a date you had! they were very pretty and though flowers aren't your number 1 favorite thing, you still appreciate it and take it as a sign of hunter's love for you. it's not that you hate the gift okay!! you adore it and you adore hunter!!

• you can be really flirty and bold through text but when you're actually facing him you get flustered and can't say shit HAHAHAHA he finds it cute

this will most likely have a part 2 AHAHAHAHA i just woke up lmao

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