★ how he develops feelings for you.

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• when you first meet him, he hates your guts. and i mean HATE

• he literally can't be around you without being enraged. but why?

• is he jealous of you, being the gifted witch you are? does he really just despise everyone? is it repressed feelings? did he just want to hide any signs of weakness?

• he's an asshole to you. he only ever talks to you when you're needed by the emperor yet he's completely rude when conversing

• you weren't sure how to feel. what was his deal anyway? you let it slide though

• you didn't bother being rude back to him, but on some occasions it just got too irritating so you couldn't hold back. sometimes you two would start arguments in the middle of the hallways and kikimora would have to interfere and stop you both

• it didn't happen too often, and thankfully when it did, it didn't last very long

• one time though you got into a VERY heated argument. even kikimora couldn't stop either of you, so the emperor had to handle you both himself

• it was very scary and nerve-wrecking and you never wanted it to happen again, nor did the golden guard

• kikimora once talked the shit out of golden guard and told him to find the root of why he hated you so much

• it was jealousy, obviously. he just didn't like that he wasn't the only "special" one at the emperor's coven anymore. also he knew you were way better than him

• petty little bitch

• but he did his best to make amends

• he gradually became less rude, and had actual conversations with you

• he also tried to apologize by the way. he tried, because i'm pretty sure he's never felt sorry for anything his whole life /j

• you both realized how much you wanted to get to know each other

• he lowkey regretted being a douche to you at first because now that you're getting along, he wishes you two had been close sooner

• but at least you're friends now

• you spend time with each other whenever you get the chance but usually when you're both busy, the most you can do is wave at each other at the halls

• and there you have it, our little golden guard slowly starts to fall for the emperor's new recruit

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