★ bored like me. (ONESHOT)

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important note: hello i'm so sorry but this oneshot was written based on an old dream of mine so it's a female!reader x hunter oneshot  :')) i promise i'll try and make the future oneshots gender-neutral!!


scenario: you and hunter aren't very fond of each other....or are you?

summary: A WHOLE LOTTA TENSION. also aged up? but nothing goes too far, just mentions :)


and so we dance, dear
nose to nose but wanting to be
mouth to mouth
give it a chance, dear
break the ice if there's ice
or at least ask me how
because we sit here both with this knowing
there's something under forever growing
oh really, can we cut it all
and break the walls
and not talk like we're married 50 years?
i know you're bored like me

[ song: bored like me by dodie ]


another day at the emperor's coven meant another day of you and hunter not getting along. or at least, that's what it felt like.

not one day would pass where he didn't bother you in some way. you could be having a fine afternoon, waking in the castle halls and suddenly there he is, the golden guard, ready to make your blood boil.

you didn't understand why he loved to annoy you so much. i mean sure, you "hated" each other but why does he take so much time to make sure you're annoyed? it's like he enjoys it. and maybe, you're enjoying it too?

you were walking in the castle halls, as usual. making sure all guards were on duty and everything was in place. you've finished most of your tasks for the day and have nothing else to do but prepare for any mission belos might give.

kikimora is steps ahead of you. she walks to your direction and stops to tell you something.

" ms. l/n, the emperor would like to see you. " she says, as you nod.

you assume she had just come from the emperor himself, since the hallway straight forward lead to the emperor's room.

you make your way to the emperor, not wanting to show any hint of fear. being called by belos is something that could get you really anxious, but you do your best to make it not obvious, as to not embarrass yourself. no one wants a weak witch in their coven.

( i'm not saying anxious people are weak, i myself am a very anxious person :') heh )

as you continued walking straight ahead, a familir voice echoed through the halls.

" where 'ya headed to, missy? "


you look behind you and see the infamous golden guard there, leaning against the wall from where kikimora talked to you.

" the emperor needs me. " you reply.

" of course he does. admirable little y/n, always doing as she's told. " he says, now standing and activating his staff, before teleporting in front of you, startling you.

" you ARE a good girl, aren't you? "
he teases, standing a little too close to your face.

dear GOD you were jealous of him and his mask. at least he could hide it if he were flustered, because you sure as hell are.

still, you did your best not to react and continued to walk. " i don't have time for this, hunter. "

he walks alongside you. " oh, do you not now? "

you start to get irritated with every remark. " don't you have other things to do? " you tell him, harshly. the way you reacted just made him even more fulfilled.

" i don't know do i? " he replies, knowing he's pushed your buttons.

" find some other witch to bother " you say, refusing to even spare a glance at him.

hunter puts his finger on his chin, " hmmm how about no? " he says playfully.

" how about you shut the fuck up? " you tell him sternly.

" make me. "

you take none of his shit, stop and turn to face him. you glare at him for a few seconds.

" fuck you " was all you could say, letting your rage take over.

" you wish you could " this was his favorite remark. he clearly knows what he's doing, and is enjoying every little bit of it.

" do i really now? " you try and play his game.

" you know you do. "

you didn't even realize how close your faces were, a few inches apart. you couldn't even see his face but the distance was enough to make your cheeks turn red. being this close to hunter was...an experience.

you walk once more, not knowing what to say. you were also tired of arguing with hunter, knowing he'd find a way to burst your bubble with another snarky comment.

he grins underneath his mask, knowing he's "won".

" speechless now aren't we? i knew you were into me. "

you choose to ignore hunter and finally reach the door to the emperor's room.
you stop at the door, knowing the golden guard is standing behind you.
you turn around and look at him for one last time before facing the emperor.

" i hate you. " you say, smiling at him.

" i know. " he says and lifts his mask to wink at you.
" by the way, tell belos i said hi. "

you sigh and go to face the emperor, all that tension made you forget about how nervous you were to see the emperor.

but deep down, you know you liked it. A LOT.

a/n: GOD being a writer and a time conscious person at the same time is absolute hell. this isn't my best work and i just wanted it finished asap ahaha but i hope y'all enjoyed it <3 also classes just started for me unfortunately so i'm not sure if i'll be able to update as often, starting about next week :'))

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