★ i kissed someone (it wasn't you). (ONESHOT)

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i'm really hoping there's a hunter simp AND dodie stan out there reading this

title song: i kissed someone (it wasn't you) by dodie

summary: having been recently dumped, you venture for a new experience in hopes for a spark.


" i kissed someone it wasn't you
leaning in like i'm supposed to do "

a distraction, they'd call it. something to keep you busy, to get your mind off of whatever was bothering you at the moment. perhaps, a temporary fix while you learn to adjust....or even heal.

but what was bothering you? what were you learning to adjust to? what were you healing from?

what was your "distraction"?


a few weeks ago, you and hunter had split up. you hoped that it could easily be resolved, but i guess the titan had other plans for you.

you had a massive fight after you'd brought up some "ambiguous" activity of his. him being his uptight self, started to be defensive. you just needed assurance that he still loved you but he went on and on about how paranoid you were and how you shouldn't even be thinking of that. he brought up how you were becoming distant too, and he felt like you didn't have time for him anymore.

your needs weren't met, and neither were his. so the two of you had decided that it was probably best to end it there.

you could've cut ties with him even, but you deemed it wasn't necessary. the both of you worked at the emperor's coven so things should and will be kept "professional" between you two.

you already thought about how hard it would be to just throw away everything you had with hunter, considering how long you two have been together. but now that it's actually happening, it felt about twenty times harder than when you were just thinking about it.


here you are, in a field, somewhere in the boiling isles. joined by a "friend" of yours whom you wanted to spend time with. or at least, that's what you said to him. well of course that IS the reason you wanted to see him right? you needed someone to talk to. you could heal on your own, sure, but having someone to be there for you could really help.

" it's nice that you've finally made an effort to see me again " edric teased.

you slapped his shoulder playfully, hurting him though since you're used to attacking physically because of all the missions you're sent out on.
" OW! geez I was kidding, l/n! " he exclaimed, as you let out a small laugh.

the two of you sat in silence for a while, admiring the view and each other's company. you turned to look at edric.

it felt wrong. you already knew it would feel that way. but you couldn't help it. i mean, it wasn't completely wrong since you're not with anyone anyway and it would be "nothing" to you but still, why were you feeling so guilty about it? well, it wouldn't mean much to edric either right? the both of you were close and had a completely platonic relationship so this wouldn't be a big deal.

edric glanced at you but turned his head when he noticed you already staring. " what's wrong? oh titan did em miss a zit? " he said panicking

" no, no it's nothing i just.... " you started, he sat there slightly confused.

you two were sitting close enough already, so it was kind of hard to notice how you were slowly moving your face closer to his. but he got the hint and the both of you knew where it was going.

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