★ when you have an argument.

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this isn't a serious fight or anything, that rarely happens. but this is just for those little misunderstandings that happen in relationships :')
i'd say "tampuhan" but i don't know how to explain that in english so AHAHAHAHAH shoutout to any filo readers 😩‼️

• you and hunter aren't perfect. you have your ups and downs, like any other relationship!

• the reasons vary, but yeah you two want or think of different things and your opinions don't always align. sadly, sometimes you two let that get in the way of your relationship :'))

• he's the first one to "get mad". he doesn't like it when things don't go his way, so even if you're proving your point, he just won't care and he'll stick with HIS opinion. tbh he'd probably walk away but it's not that he doesn't care about you anymore, he knows that if he reacted or anything it would make the situation worse and he doesn't want to hurt you, so he just distances himself from you for a bit

• you, on the other hand, aren't mad at him but at his stubbornness. you know how smart and dedicated he is and you admire him for it but it's in things like this where you wish he was a bit more understanding

• you two still have shifts though, your work can't wait. the titan knows what'll happen to you both if you slack off...

• he doesn't talk to you jdbdndk he just commands the other guards and pretends like you're not even there if you pass by. he's wearing his golden guard uniform with the mask and all, but his head does turn so you can tell he glances at you :((

• you do the same to him lol you're both stubborn as hell. you can walk past each other in the halls without looking back ( obviously steve knows ya'll are hurting inside doing that and one of you probably looks back anyway )

• him being "mad" at you doesn't last very long

• you're both secretly not mad at each other anymore about 20 minutes after you argue but neither of you will admit it to the other AHAHAHAHAHA it's frustrating, really but yeah

• after a while, hunter looks for you and asks if you two can talk. he practically begs lol but it's okay you'd be begging too. you agree and go somewhere private

• so of course, he sucks it up and apologizes :')) he realizes his mistakes and acknowledges your differences. he also chooses to respect them and he promises that he'll try not to be so stubborn so often so that he won't hurt you or anyone hehehe

( in reality he just couldn't resist you and missed you and wanted to hold your hand and kiss you and yeah you get the point he loves you too much to be "mad" at you)

• you apologize too, and forgive him. the amount of time that he ignored you will be the same amount of time he'll spend giving you affection for the rest of the day. i mean yeah he's always affectionate but he WAS mad so he wants to make up for it

• sweet boy picks you up and carries you in the halls, kisses your cheeks, your forehead, your lips, your neck. you're both so sweet it's sickening but also cute at the same time

• he also holds your hand for the rest of the day ahaha sorry but i don't think you'll be separated for your whole shift

• he doesn't want to argue anymore so that he can hold ur hand in the halls everyday <3

• but yes, you both can't resist each other and are affection-starved

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