★ if you study at hexside (part 2).

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your friends at hexside can be anyone you wish. i like to imagine either edric, emira and viney or the other students at hexside :)

• like i said, he's very supportive

• any time there's a school event you're
participating in, he's there giving 100% of his support and love :')) he's very proud of you and when he sees you on stage he can't help but think wow that really is the love of his life right there

• althouuugh some hexside events are sponsored by the emperor's coven, and hunter is there everytime! partially, because he's belos' right hand man, and partially because he wanted to come to see you of course. he probably isn't even needed at some events but reasons out to belos that " he'll be of service " when in reality the lovesick boy just wants to see his favorite person

• when he's on-stage, he'll look for you in the crowd. and when he spots you, he waits for you to look at him and he gives you a small wave

• he sneaks off-stage at some point ( oop sorry not sorry belos ) and will probably try to meet up with you behind the school or something, to give you a tight hug ( he makes sure there's no people around okay )

" y/n my love, i missed you! "

" aw hunter, you literally walked me to school this morning "

" yeah i know....but thanks to this coven-sponsored event, and me being the golden guard, i get to see you right now! waiting is hard, you know "

" impatient bitch. i love you though, thank you for coming to see me! "


• your friends spotted you with him once, and they were legit confused. you and hunter had to improvise so he was pretending to scold you and walk you back to the crowd. lucky bitch has a mask so your friends couldn't see him smiling the whole time, while you had to stop yourself from doing so

" ooh y/n what'd you do? "

" what....? "

" y'know, the golden guard looked like he was going to execute you! "

" oh i uh- it was embarrassing i don't wanna talk about it "

" ohoho i dont know, to me it kinda looked like you had heart eyes for the emperor's right hand man "

" aha, well, for someone in the illusions track, i think whatever you think me and that golden guard have or had, was definitely an illusion "

" that's not how illusions work idiot! "

" yeah and i didn't have 'heart eyes' for hu- the golden guard! "

• luz was trying not to freak out the whole time lol. she teased you so much about it when you two were alone

• buuut your friends will probably find out eventually

• HE'S YOUR DATE TO GROM!!!!! the uppercase is very necessary. this shit is exciting. except for when you're voted grom queen (if you qualify hehe) .....yeah that's probably for a different chapter

• but yes he's never been to grom before. well, only once but only because things got...out of control. he's never been there as someone's date or anything so when you told him he was gonna be your date, he panicked internally ( but in a good way, he's ecstatic and would want nothing more than to accompany you to grom )

" and then luz stuffed the whole pie in her mouth when principal bump came in! " you said giggling as hunter laughed along with you.

you were telling hunter a story about something that happened at school as he was walking you home.

" by the way, uh, grom is in 2 weeks and i just wanted to let you know this early so that you could maybe find something nice to wear. nOT  THAT YOU DRESS LIKE SHIT BUT- uh yeah, you know, grom. "

hunter stopped in his tracks, forcing you to stop as well

"  hey what's wrong, goldstar? you don't want to be my date? did i offend you oh titan i like the way you dress oka- " you asked him, your voice full of concern

" date? " he replied, looking at you, as if he needed confirmation that what he heard was right. you sighed in relief.

" of course, idiot! " you said nudging him in a playful way.

" i mean, who else would i want to go to grom with other than you, hunter? mister walks-me-to-school-and-on-the-way-home-because-he-loves-me? "

hunter quickly felt his cheeks heat up
as you walked to be in front of him. he took your hands in his.

" no it's just, i've never actually been to grom, nor am i even a student at hexside and you're asking me to go with you? " he admitted, looking down. you've been dating for a while yet he's still kind of scared sometimes that you're suddenly going to be interested in another student at hexside. which will never happen of course, because you love him and you let him know that

" well, there's not really any rules on who to bring for grom I think. so who's stopping me from taking my boyfriend to grom? " you told him, letting go of his hands to wrap your arms around his neck

" no one, i hope. but i'd be more than honored to be your date to grom  " hunter replied as he put his hands on your waist and leaned in for a kiss

you both pulled away and continued to walk, with your hands intertwined

" we'd better get going, 2 weeks isn't gonna be as long as we think "

• he doesn't know what you're wearing until the day of grom and when he sees you, you're dressed in what color?? gold of course :')) he was speechless and didn't even know it was possible for you to look even more amazing. he wore a white blazer and inner shirt, black pants and a black bowtie 

• everyone was taken by surprise to see the both of you. i mean they were surprised enough to see you, what more you and hunter? everyone was probably pining for AT LEAST one of you ( damn power couple )

• this is also where you (are forced to) introduce your friends to hunter and hope they don't say anything weird to him ( don't worry they won't do that. but they're gonna mess with you a LOT in front of him lol )

• overall, you're both dorks for each other and do your part in making time for each other, since you both can be busy with your individual responsibilities :)) nonetheless, you still love each other and do your very best to provide the other with what they need

i'll be doing a separate chapter for grom most likely!

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