★ when you're sick.

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• he's very concerned. you see, the way you help him whenever he's hurt, is the way he wants to help you when you're sick. so whenever you're ill, he feels obligated to help you. but you tell him otherwise

• he'll always ask if you're okay and if you're alright with working. he says he can take your shift for you (even if it's not his job, he'll try)

• he stays with you or at least near you in case you need anything. it's not that he doesn't think you're capable of taking care of yourself, he just wants to be there for you. and you do too

• especially during times when you're very sick to the point where you just stay in bed all day and rest from your shift, this boy will drop ALL of his responsibilities (and probably give them to kikimora or another guard) just to take care of you

• he's risking getting into trouble but it doesn't matter to him as long as he's there for you

• he kinda doesn't wanna get sick, but if ever he does, he won't blame you

• he will bring all of your meals to you, even bringing you the best soup because he knows that when you're sick, you don't have much energy to chew on food and it'll help you feel better. if you don't feel like eating, he'll try to get you to eat at least 2 spoonfuls/bites of whatever is served to you, but he won't force you if you really don't want to

• he's kind of iffy about all the gross fluids that you emit like snot and vomit so you might have to be on your own for that.....but he stays in the corner :D

• also since you don't have much energy, he's the one who bathes you. not in a creepy way or anything, but he just takes a wet towel and makes sure that you get properly bathed

• he wants you to be comfortable at all times. he'll bring you everything you need, for as long as he can provide. he's even willing to give you his pillows even if you'll get germs on it. and if you want space, he'll gladly give it to you

• he stays there even when it's getting late, just so he knows you'll be able to get a good rest. he tucks you in bed and he'll hold your hand if he needs to. and sometimes, when you're already asleep ( or so he thinks ) he'll softly kiss your forehead and whisper goodnight, before he drifts off to sleep as well


• buuut sometimes, when he really can't skip his duties, even if he wants to help you so badly, he has to work

• you're kind of sad he's not there but he makes sure that the guards serve you your food, grant any request of yours and give you your meds. other than that, he knows you can take care of yourself and he trusts you :)

also he leaves a bucket of water and a towel next to you in case you get the energy to bathe. he won't let the others bathe you because he knows you might be uncomfortable. but if you really don't have the energy, he'll get straight to bathing you if he gets back on time

• while he works, he'll try and get you some flowers as a consolation offering. and maybe even get someone to give you an illusion of him so you don't feel lonely

• he cares so much :( he just wants you to be okay as soon as possible so that you two can hang out! and do friend stuff together haha....

• he's there with you the first and last day you're sick. he won't leave you. he'll make sure of that :)

a/n: i kinda wanna do oneshots but im not sure. also you and hunter still aren't dating yet here aha. i'm also not sure which chapters to make you two start dating since the tension and obliviousness between two "friends" can be cute but you two being officially a couple means it can be cheesier HAHAHA but ill figure it out

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