★ helping him fall asleep.

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another requested chap!! i didn't proofread this one so please excuse any mistakes aha

• if there's one thing hunter needs other than you, it's sleep.

• he's fucking sleep deprived and we all know whos fault it is. i fucking hate belos so bad.

• you're the only person who can comfort him hehe so he becomes very clingy towards you :')) he doesn't feel completely okay until he's with you

• you care about him as much as he cares about you! he's always checking in on you, making sure you're okay and puts you first making you his priority :')) even if you tell him that HE should be his first priority

• you know how overwhelming his work can be and though you won't exactly understand what it's like to be the golden guard, you do your best to support him and help him in any way you can

• especially on days where you haven't seen him in the castle halls for hours, you KNOW he's gonna get back tired :'))

• most nights, you come into his room after he or the both of you are done with your shifts ( there are days where you have to sleep early so you don't reach him when he gets back OR he goes to visit you )

• at first he was shy about asking you to stay with him until he fell asleep

• but after a while, it became routine and he didn't have to ask

• you'd go into his room and he didn't have to say a word, you'd just go up to him and embrace him

• and then you make him lay down. usually he'll lay his head on your lap, and ask you to tell him things. it varies, it can be an embarrassing story from when you were younger, another kikimora height joke or you could tell him how much you mean to him and how you'll always be there for him

• he's too tired to reply but you don't mind

• you like to stroke his hair 😔😔 and gently hold his cheek hehe because he's cute

• you also hum melodies sometimes hehe and he finds it relaxing ( you probably hum the ending theme of toh haha )

• and !! you !! like !! to !! softly !! kiss !! him !! ITS HIS FAVORITE THING AKSJFKFKFNFKKDND

• sometimes you two just look at each other. eye contact is awkward i know but when it comes to hunter, there's a sense of comfort to it. besides, he has pretty eyes, and wouldn't mind getting lost in yours

• if he's really REALLY tired, he'll ask you to lay down with him and hold him until he falls asleep :')) he wants you there beside him so he knows that it'll be okay

• he says sorry though in case you don't want to stay in his room for the night, but you tell him he should never be sorry because you'd do anything for him anyway

• one thing is the same though for every time you help him

• before he falls asleep, he'll never forget to say "i love you" <3

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