★ if you broke up.

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**this is shorter than i want it to be ahaha  but yeah i guess it's better than nothing y'know**


who ended it?

he probably did :(


you had occasional arguments about the way belos treats him and how he should stick up for himself. it's hard to tackle the topic so you don't mention it all the time, but you have to remind him of his worth.

he can't live with the guilt of betraying the person who took him in and raised him, hell, the only person in his life before you.

he loves you, he swears, but his relationship with belos isn't something he can easily throw out the window. titan knows what belos would do if hunter dared to betray him.

also....belos probably told hunter at some point that you were simply a "distraction" to the boy, and that he should take his job at the coven more seriously. besides, the titan has big plans for him, and some "silly witch" might be holding him back from such an opportunity.

how did he end it?

he pondered on what belos had told him, and other factors. it was a day after you two had a very heated argument. he didn't wanna lash out on you and break up all of the sudden because he knew he'd be doing it out of anger. he doesn't wanna hurt you more than he knows he already has, so the next day when he had calmed down and thought about it, he realized that it might be best for you two to break up. he did it in the least hurtful way possible, but that didn't mean it wouldn't sting at all.

who still isn't over?

both of you. you both still love each other very much and this was something you needed time getting used to.

how does he cope?

since you both work at the coven, there's no way you can avoid each other, not that the avoidance is necessary of course. you're both still co-workers with roles to fulfill in the castle, so you can't and won't let this breakup get in the way of your responsibilities. he's more affected by this than you think he is though. he overworks himself even more than before, hoping it'll distract him from the miserable feeling. belos is happy that he's gotten rid of you in his life, and he's impressed by hunter "improving" in missions. but really, hunter is just way more exhausted and gets lesser sleep, because he stays awake at night crying, longing for his lover back. he's no longer used to facing his problems on his own, because you've been there to help him get through.

also, he wears his mask a lot more. as in all the damn time. when you were dating he wore it still, but not as often. now, you can't even tell whether he's looking at you when you pass by him in the hallways. he's relieved about it because then, you wouldn't know that he was looking back at you, eyes red and puffy from crying the whole night.

how do you cope?

instead of distracting yourself by working, like hunter, you can't work because you're distracted. you do your best to focus, but you really just can't forget your history with hunter. he made you so happy, so naturally it's difficult for you to train your mind into suddenly putting him into a category where you don't think of him as someone you're romantically involved with. you take a lot more time outside the castle, exploring different places and learning new spells and all that. you even catch up with old friends, hoping that the lonely feeling will fade.

will he ever come back to you?

yes. he loves you enough to give your relationship another try. and he really hopes that in the end, it'll still be you. but if by then, it still doesn't work out, he won't come back the next time.

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