Chapter one: The note

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I was sitting in class listen- ahem TRYING to listen to Professor Dronesonalot (Yes, we nicknamed him that) in the history of spying when a cold piece of paper was slipped into my hand. My eyes swept the classroom, trying to figure out who gave me the paper. Unfortunately, everyone was either spacing out, or just plain asleep. Only one person, my good friend Jawaharal O'Shea seemed to be at least a bit alert, but I doubted it was him. I looked down at the note trying to avoid attention from my professor. Scrawled on the note said:

Meet me outside. Now. -E

I knew immediately who it was. Erica Hale. Erica is the most wonderful, competent spy I knew. And she was gorgeous too! Unfortunately, she didn't do much human interaction, until about more than a year ago, when I came into the picture. She even hugged me AND kissed me once when we thought we were about to die to a nuclear bomb. She claimed that it was to make me feel better, and if I told anyone, she would kill me. But I knew better than that. I sighed thinking more and more about her and was about to drift off, when I yelped, remembering the note. Professor Dronesonalot eyed me suspiciously.

"Is there a problem Mr. Ripley?" He asked.

"No no, not at all!" I replied "Um...I just...really need to go to the bathroom! Yeah!" I said.

Professor Dronesonalot sighed and said "Go Mr. Ripley. Come back quickly."

I knew I wasn't about to come back- not yet at least. I slipped out of the classroom as Professor Dronesonalot continued his lecture on some famous spy or whatever he was talking about and ran out the door. I looked around, hoping to see someone. No one was there. I told myself not to be discouraged, as Erica tended to show up when someone least expected it. I waited a bit longer, but Erica was a no show. I sighed, then trudged back into the school, when I suddenly slammed into something. No, a someone. I leapt back, fearing the worst. 

:D a cliffhanger. I think you can probably guess who it is butttt ah well! My first chapter!! 

This is a short chapter. I'll try to make them longer. 

Chapters will probably come out every week or so...or maybe earlier than that.

All credit of the characters go to Stuart Gibbs.

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