Chapter 10: Regroup

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Ok, so for some reason I had the urge to make an Erica POV- 

By the way the first paragraph it still in Ben's POV then it switches. In Erica's POV I'm going to make a little recap, when they go back into the car to drive to Gary, Indiana.

So I think there will be occasional small POV switches, but it's mostly going to be in Ben's POV.

As we drove my worry grew even more. Even though I knew it was even more dangerous than texting, I tried their cells. It was no use. The only thing we could do was go to the café. It wasn't too far from where we were now, just an hours drive. I sighed and leaned back, closing my eyes.

Erica POV:

Ben looked at me and said, "We have to go, they might be in danger." I gave a small nod as I ran back to the car. Ben then said, "Erica, don't drive as rough this time." Even though I didn't know what I was doing wrong, I felt too worried to argue. So instead, I just sighed and said "Okay."

10 minutes later:

Ben yelled at me to stop swerving. To me, it didn't seem like I was driving rough at all! So I glared at Ben and growled, "Our friends might be in danger, we have no idea where Grandad and mom are, and you're YELLING at me to slow down?" Our friends. Those words hung with me as I continued driving. Before I met Ben, I always thought that friends were liabilities. People that would only drag me down. I still like going solo, but being with friends? Its always great to be around people who know you, and also have backup.

A buzzing startled me from my thoughts. Ben quickly took out his phone and smiled. Then he looked over at me and said, "It's your mom." I felt relieved. Thank god she was safe. A bit later, Ben showed me an address and said that mom said to meet there at 5:00. I could also see that he asked mom and grandad to look for Jawa, Chip, Mike and Alexander. I sighed a bit, thinking about them. There was also a downside to having friends. I now have many emotions I never thought I would really have. Worry, anxious, a bit scared, and worst of all, helpless. I couldn't do anything if we didn't know where they were.

I shook my head clear of those thoughts and focused on the road. Maybe that will distract me for a bit.

Ben POV:

I found myself thinking about Zoe. I was still very mad at her for betraying me, but then again, she thought it was for my own good. She had apologized countless times, but I still didn't think I was ready to forgive her, even though I knew I should. A bit after Cyrus said we were leaving, the rest of the school had found out that we were going on a mission. I think the rest of the school wasn't very surprised, since almost every time a student got sent into the field, it was always us. (and I mean 'us' by me, Mike, Erica, sometimes Chip and Jawa, and until recently, Zoe.)

I was pretty sure she was devastated to hear that she wasn't going, but I think she understood. I wanted to go talk to her, but when I reached her door, I heard her crying. So, I left her alone.

But there was one thought I really couldn't shake, was this, What if Zoe defects to the dark side because of me? I kept thinking, no way, but a small part of my mind is still worrying. I had found out she had a crush on me, and I don't think I like her like that. What if she turns into Warren? Defecting to the dark side just because I didn't like her and liked Erica? And maybe that's not the entire reason. Maybe she feels left out now. But I don't think that's the reason. She's smart enough to figure why she wasn't selected for this mission, is because she couldn't be trusted.

Buzzz Buzzzz

I felt my phone vibrate as I picked it up.

Catherine: Ben, are you there?

Catherine: We found them, and they seem alright.

Ben: What you found them?

Catherine: Yes, they told us that I think a gang attacked them and I guess tried to kidnap them maybe? I don't really know but that's what they think was going to happen.

Catherine: Alexander is in worse shape, I think they went for him first because he is an adult and I guess wanted to get rid of him...

Ben: So are they okay?

Catherine: Yes, the boys handled it pretty well, but Jawa's phone died, Alexander lost his (of course) And Mike's broke, and Chip's still works, but is really glitchy, due to the amount of damage it suffered.

Ben: Thank goodness they are okay

Ben: Are they sure it isn't Croatoan that attacked them?

Catherine: Actually, we're not entirely sure. At a city this dangerous...we can never be too sure. Although they don't think so, they said they looked nothing like the thugs we've faced.

Catherine: Are you two almost at the café yet?

Ben: Yes, I think around a 10 minutes drive left

Catherine: Alright we'll see you there.

I told Erica that Chip, Jawa, Mike, and Alexander were alright, but something like a gang attacked them. Erica looked surprised at first, but then hide it. "Of course. That city has one of the highest crime rates in Indiana."

10 minutes later:

We arrived at a little cute café, and stepped out of the car.

This is the café they are at

We stepped into the café and were greeted by a bored looking waitress

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We stepped into the café and were greeted by a bored looking waitress.

"Hi, we're here to meet up with a couple friends." Erica said, stepping into her ditzy character disguise.

"Oh, you must be the two guests the big table was waiting for." The waitress said. "Come with me."

The waitress led us to a big table with Mike, Catherine, Jawa, Chip, Cyrus, and Alexander sitting there. Alexander seemed bruised a bit, but otherwise fine. Mike, Jawa, and Chip had scratches and hair badly mussed. The waitress handed us menus and hurried away.

Erica went back to her old self, saying, "What happened."

Jawa began explaining, "So basically we were texting with you guys when Mike's phone dropped to the ground..."

So, long story short, a big gang attacked them, possibly to kidnap them or something, and basically, they beat them up. Alexander tried to help but he got a couple blows and then decided to let the others do the physical stuff.

Cyrus then said, "Story time's over, we need to discuss Croatoan."

"Yes has anyone figured out what Croatoan would be doing at The Great Lakes?" Catherine chipped in.

Everyone looked at me expectantly. I hated being held on the spot, and as much as I would like to have a good answer to give, I didn't have one. Thankfully, a waiter interrupted our conversation, saying "Are you guys ready to order? Maybe some drinks to start?"

After we all placed in our orders, Mike excused himself to the bathroom. We decided not to continue the conversation, as that would probably attract attention, and we needed Mike to be here too.

At which point, Croatoan burst into the café. 

My longest chapter yet! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for this long. Hopefully the next chapter will be published the day after tomorrow.

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