Chapter 19: Infiltration

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So we got a 3 day weekend! I think I'll be uploading on the weekends at least one chapter per weekend. (I'll try my best to do two though) I'll do my best to include some Berica cause I want it too, but again don't be mad if there isn't lol. ALSO I've decided what the new book title and sorta whats going'll see in the 6 word Epilogue. :D

For once, we could get up a bit later. Sophia said that the information center opens at 11 in the morning, so we could sleep in. Catherine said we could have brunch so we could sleep a bit longer. I woke up at 10, but I didn't feel too well rested. I had a huge feeling of dread, plus a bunch of worries. I almost couldn't get up, if it weren't for Mike lightly slapping me.

Today was the day. When we take down Croatoan. It was now or never, and a bunch of people die if we don't try. I trudged out of bed and down to the motel restaurant. Surprisingly everyone was awake, even Alexander. Mike and I were the last ones there.

"So, we'll infiltrate the HQ at 12. You guys will distract them with a bunch of questions, and make sure every worker there is distracted, okay?" Sophia said, looking at Alexander, Chip, Mike, and Jawa. They all nodded.

[Time skip 12 am]

At 12, Mike, Chip, Jawa and Alexander walked into the visitors center and started talking. Chip started by exclaiming loudly, "WHERE IS THE MANAGER! I DEMAND TO SEE THEM. AND IF YOU DON'T PRODUCE HIM NOW, I WILL SUE THIS ENTIRE PLACE!" The workers all spun around to see what was going on. Alexander/Dean then said, "Ch- Osvaldo, don't be like that, we're only here to ask some questions!"

I nearly erupted into laughter, and I could see Catherine and Sophia struggling to hold it in too. Erica had the tiniest hint of a smile on her face. Osvaldo was the name we chose for Chip, and it sounded hilarious.

Jawa/Emerson then spoke and I listened back into the conversation. "This place really needs some good music." He grumbled, then produced the new phone that Catherine gave to him and started blasting punk rock music in the room.


Jawa/Emerson gave a glare at Chip/Osvaldo and said, "I told you, it's E, not EMERSON."

Mike/Tucker seemed bored and said, tossing a wiffleball up in the air and catching it, "Anyone up for some wiffleball? I bet I could beat you all combined."


Alexander/Dean leaned a bit closer to one of the female workers and flashed her a smile that made her blush and suavely said, "Sorry about my sons, they are so different. We're just looking for a good picnic spot and wanted to see if you guys had a map and some recommendation spots. My name is Dean by the way."

By now all the workers seemed distracted by the ruckus they were making with Chip/Osvaldo's yelling, Jawa/Emerson's punk rock music, and Mike/Tucker tossing the ball everywhere and almost breaking some artifacts.

"That's our cue." Sophia whispered. The security camera was already down, and I could see a couple of guards at the back door. Catherine, Erica and Sophia quickly pounced on the guards, and they were unconscious within a couple seconds. Sophia moved with grace and agility and honestly looked at the same level of fighting as Erica and Catherine.

Sophia beckoned and we slipped in the door of the gift shop.

Ok the representation pictures in the other chapter are not quite exact

We then all started to look for the trapdoor. Erica almost immediately found it and whispered, "It's here." Sophia went in first, to see if anything would jump out at her, then gave a thumbs up. We each climbed down the ladder (that was underneath the trapdoor) snuck across the floor. Sophia came to a halt and took some powder out of her pocket and blew. After a couple seconds, lasers appeared, to my surprise.

"Revealing powder," Catherine whispered in awe. "Where did you get that?"

Sophia shook her head as if saying, 'not now' and started avoiding the lasers. Catherine and Erica moved with her, but I was not that good when it came to dodging. It took me five more minutes than them, and they looked very annoyed.

Finally, we found a desk and there was a person behind the chair. It spun around slowly, as if these were real spy movies, and revealed woman not much older than Catherine. To come to think of it, she looked a bit like Catherine too!

Catherine then gasped in shock, and whispered, barely audible, "Cousin?" 

MWHAHAHHAHA Didn't expect that did you?

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