Chapter 11: 'The good-looking one'

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I hit a kinda big writers block here so this chapter isn't very good, and short. This is probably my worst chapter right now.


"HANDS UP!" A thug shouted at us, pointing a gun. We all obediently put our hands up because, it's hard to argue with a man that has a gun pointed at you.

"Where's the other one?" Asked another thug.

"What other one?" The first one said.

"The good-looking one."

I smiled in my head. Well, they weren't wrong. Mike is good-looking- to all the girls at least.

"Boss showed us a couple pictures. I count one more than the pictures El Captain showed us." the second one said.

It occurred to me that they didn't know who Chip and Jawa were. They knew me, Catherine, Erica, Cyrus, Mike and Alexander, but Croatoan wouldn't know who Chip and Jawa were, since they didn't believe us when we told them about Croatoan.

"But two of them don't look like the good-looking one." The thug pointing the gun at us.

"So does that mean that the good-looking one is missing?"

Confusion was brewing between the thugs. I could tell Chip and Jawa were suppressing their giggles, like me.

That's when Mike bashed plates onto their heads.

The thugs spun around, surprised to see Mike and pointed a gun at his head.

"You're going to regret that shrimp!" He growled.

I would have thought that Mike would look scared, but he just laughed. That's when I saw Catherine, Erica, Cyrus, Chip and Jawa spring up and take advantage of the situation and attacked.

In less than 10 seconds, the thugs were tied up and unconscious.

"Let's move." Cyrus said and we all left the café.

"How did Croatoan find us?" I asked.

"It's one of the only places in Gary to get food, so I don't think it was very hard to find us," Erica said. "Speaking of finding, how did Croatoan manage to get a tracker onto you?" Erica narrowed her eyes at Alexander.

"I er... don't know." said Alexander, lowering his eyes.

Catherine sighed and rubbed her eyes. "The car you rented doesn't take more than 4 people, and there are 8 of us..."

"Already on it mom." Erica said, standing next to a car, picking the lock.

Catherine gaped at Erica, saying "But...Erica sweetie, this is stealing!"

"This is for the good of our country. We have to move, there might be more thugs coming." Erica said, hopping into the driver's seat of the new car."

Cyrus looked over at Catherine, "She's right, and Erica, get out of the driver's seat, let Catherine drive. Your reckless driving is going to attract attention. Chip, Jawa, and Alexander, get in the other car with me. The rest of you, you're with Catherine."

"What?" Erica said, looking at Cyrus. "But I'm great at driving!"

Cyrus retorted, "You heard me, and no you're actually not that great."

Erica glowered at Cyrus but got out of the driver's seat.

A couple seconds later...

"Now kids, we are going to the great lakes. It's going to be a while before we get there, so buckle up!" Catherine chirped. 

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