Chapter 4: Oh.

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BANG! The room gave a little jolt as the bomb went off. I was surprised that I wasn't killed but was really relived. I stood up again. How had I managed to survive it? I doubted that blast was even strong enough to break a table. Which was weird because no one that would want to kill me would do it right, not just make a small blast that would even do anything.

I started wonder what the point of all this was, when the door on the wall (that disappeared) opened again. Out stepped my bomb defusing teacher, Professor Orie.

"I expected more from you Mr. Ripley. Interesting tactic of severing the red wire though. B minus." I must have displayed a confused face because Professor Orie said, "Benjamin, you know it's nearing the end of the year. Exams are taking place!"

Oh. Whoops. I had totally forgot that it was almost the end of the year. Had Erica been just leading me to the exam? At least I passed. I walked out of the room and into the next one with Erica in it.

"Well. Took you long enough. I'm guessing you didn't even defuse it didn't you." Erica started walking out and I followed her asking, "Did you take it too?"

"Obviously. Did you not notice the bomb in the room? Granddad set us up. I doubt there really was any chatter."

"Oh." We walked in silence for a few more minutes when she quietly said, "I actually haven't been in granddad's office before."

I was taken aback. Cyrus kept to himself, but there weren't many things he kept from his granddaughter. "Really?" I asked. At which point, we ran into Cyrus.

"There you are." Cyrus grumbled. "I was wondering when you'd finish that exam of yours. Erica, I assume you successfully defused your bomb?" Erica nods and turns to Cyrus and starts saying something but gets cut off by him.

"By the way, the chatter thing wasn't just there to lead you to the exam. It's real. I'll explain the rest in my actual office." 

Sorry for the reallllllyyyy short chapter. I think I want to write the other stuff in the next chapter. Hopefully that one will be longer. 

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