Chapter 17: Planning

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Lol my handwriting there is literally terrible writing on a computer is harddd (GL stands for Great Lake)

This is probably going to be my last update before school- (It starts in two days) and after that for the first couple weeks of school I can try my best to upload twice a week. I'm not planning on this story to go longer than around 25 chapters, so it should be about 2 more weeks until I finish this book. (Maybe maybe not lol depends on how much hw I have, and it shouldn't be much on the first couple weeks of school) After that, as I said in a previous chapter, I'm planning on a sequel, and I have some idea of it- you'll just have to see later on in the year.

We're almost at 1k views and 50 votes- I know that's not a lot but Thank you all anyways!!!

"So, Ms. Capke's headquarters are here. We are in the main HQ, which is across one of the lakes. Ms. Capke's HQ is disguised as a visitor's information center. We can go to town, which is here, and get disguises. Once we get to the HQ, Mike, Jawa, Chip and Alexander can act as tourists while Me, Ben, Erica and Catherine can sneak in through the back. There will be a couple of guards there, and a security camera, but we can handle those. The security camera shouldn't be too hard to dismantle. Cyrus, you can be the getaway if we get caught and need to hurry, and backup." Sophia took a breath, then continued. "Now the entire first floor is a visitors' center, there's a hidden trapdoor somewhere that leads to a basement. If I remember correctly, it should be under one of the souvenir tables in the gift shop. Over here, there will be a bunch of artifacts and history stuff that really, I don't care about. So, any questions?"

 So, any questions?"

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"Okay wow that was a lot of words

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"Okay wow that was a lot of words." Mike said.

"Yeah my mouth is literally dry from talking." Sophia said. "Anyone got some water?"

Catherine handed Sophia a bottle of water just before Cyrus said, "Why am I the getaway person?"
"I er..." Sophia seemed a bit embarrassed as she said, "I kind of got the impression that you aren't really er...." She trailed off, not wanting to say anything else.

I think Cyrus didn't want to know either, so he dropped the topic.

"What are we going to do after we find Ms. Capke?" I asked.

"I'm guessing there are a bunch of traps set up, but once we navigate through those we can get to the main computer. I cannot guarantee that Ms. Capke is there, although she should be- and once we get access to the mainframe, that will most likely bring down Croatoan...for good. I can't say they won't resurface sometime but after that they will be done for a long time. If we succeed at least." 

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