Chapter 14: Interrogation

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I woke up to a dimly lit room. My friends were all tied up, in chairs. They all seemed to be awake and trying to get out of their bindings but couldn't.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a girl my age stepped in with two thugs behind her. She was gorgeous, possibly even prettier than Erica. She had dark, brown eyes, straight black hair, and tan skin. I reminded myself that she was the bad guy, and I shouldn't be drooling over her. I looked over at my friends and saw that Chip, Jawa, and Mike also had a moony look on their faces.

"Good they're awake." She said.

"What do you want?" asked Erica coldly.

"I'm just here to ask you questions about what you know," The girl said. "Based on my information, Benjamin Ripley is usually the one that figures out everything." She swiveled her head to me. "I'm guessing that's you, isn't it?"

"I- er..." I could feel my face heating up.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now what do you know?"

"I- um, about...what exactly?" I asked

"About what we're doing there, you know, what you're here to stop us from doing..." She said seeming very cheerful.

I did not have a single clue what they were doing there. There seemed only one possibility... but that was hard to do... but then again, you can never know what evil organizations will do anyways. Should I give it a shot? I thought.

The girl sighed. "You really don't know anything do you? Well, I suppose I can leave you all to talk amongst yourselves before you say anything, and remember, if you don't cooperate, I'll have to go to more...extreme measures." She walked out the door, followed by her thugs.

No one said anything for a while.

Finally, Alexander spoke up. "Er...what now?" He asked.

"So, Ben, what have you figured out?" Mike asked me.

"Well...there is one possibility..." I said. Should I tell them? I thought. What if it's wrong?

"Come one tell us what you figured out!" Catherine prompted. "Even if it isn't good, you must have at least an inkling of what is going on!"

"Croatoan is going to poison the Great Lakes." I said. "That's the only thing I can think of right now, and it's probably the only thing you can do there anyways. The great lakes is the biggest water source in the world, and poisoning it would be catastrophic for the U.S. And what's more is that it probably doesn't harm just the U.S, but parts of the rest of the world too. It holds 84% of North Americas freshwater source, and 21% of the worlds."

Everyone now gaped at me. "So they're going to poison the Great Lakes, and millions of people are most likely to die, and we can't do anything about it." Catherine said heavily, echoing everyone's thoughts.

Just then, someone dressed in black from head to toe, dropped in. 

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