Chapter 3: The Bomb

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Just letting you guys know that there is probably going to be a new character in the story coming in sooner or later. :DDD

Edited Chapter: I changed the 'idk how to defuse a bomb scene' cause I remembered that they did do a bomb defusing thing at the beginning of Spy School: Secret Service (I think)

The door was closed. Just a blank wall. An empty room. These thoughts swirled around my head, trying to grasp what was going on. Erica was gone. I was all alone.

I wasn't used to being alone. Someone was usually by my side. I scanned the room, looking for an escape route. There were no windows. I started panicking. Then, a beeping startled me. I spun around to find a bomb I hadn't noticed before. I panicked even harder. I had no idea how to defuse a bomb- even though we took a class on it- this was unlike the usual bombs we defused in class. This one looked kinda like the one in Colorado, but that was with Cyrus's guiding.

I looked back at the bomb. I briefly remembered Cyrus saying 'Cut the red wire.' while trying to defuse the bomb back in Colorado. I saw a faint red wire sticking out in the mass of other colored wires. I calmed down a bit and tried to find something sharp I could cut it with. Then I noticed that the was a weird thing stuck to the back of it. I turned the bomb around and saw a timer. It read 1 minute. ONE MINUTE. I started panicking again. I told myself to calm down, but it was no use. I started frantically looking for something sharp, but the room was as empty as a shell that lost it's owner.

I looked down at my clothes hoping that there was SOMETHING that could help me. I was wearing a coat, t-shirt and some jeans. My regular school clothes. I could try to cut the wire with the zipper I thought. Or bite the wire. I didn't want to die or at least get teeth replacements, so I chose the zipper. 45 seconds. I took off my coat and held the zipper and started frantically sawing at the wire.

Fortunately, the wire was pretty frail, so it was easy to cut through. I looked at the timer hoping it would stop. It didn't. 30 seconds. I had run out of ideas. The only other option was to curl up into a ball and hope I didn't get killed. I ran the the furthest corner from the bomb and went into a ball. I mentally counted the seconds before it would blow up.


You know what I think this is going to be about how long the chapters are going to be...maybe.

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