Chapter 5: The ACTUAL chatter

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YES! I have finally gotten a longer chapter!! :D

"Sit." Cyrus said. I sat down quickly, and Cyrus played a recording.

*Footsteps* "Mrs. Capke- er the new El Captain says to get the operation started...even though she hasn't told us the plan..."

"Why are we going to the Great Lakes though? There's literally nothing there besides water." Another voice said. Murray Hill. I gasped and Erica Shushed me as Murray's accomplice slapped his hand over his mouth and muttered, "You're not supposed to say that out loud! Who knows who's listening right now?"

"Relax," Murray said. "There's no one here besides you and me." A shriek of delight startled me as Murray said "OOOHHHH BACON!!!!"

Cyrus paused the recording. "That's basically it. Unless you want to listen to Murray wolfing down bacon, I suggest you start packing for The Great Lakes right away."

A voice chirped, "Before we go to the Great Lakes, I suggest we talk to former Agent Heather Durkee. She might know something valuable about this operation." I spun around to find Catherine. I hadn't noticed she slipped in, but then again, I wouldn't really have noticed anyone coming in, unless they were stomping or making so loud noises, because I was so focused on the recording.

Erica jumped to her feet. "Good idea mom." She then turned to Cyrus saying, "Where is she kept?"

We arrived at the CIA cell, where they supposedly held prisoners until they are ready for questioning. To my surprise, light torture was now allowed as of this once. (Cyrus was overseeing the interrogation- and also keeping an eye on Erica so she doesn't kill Former Agent Heather Durkee)

(This part is inspired by Smh204 in 'Spy School turns Evil')

Recorded by Agent Noah Oliver

Start Interrogation

Heather Durkee: "So, what do you want to know?" *smirks*

Agent Benjamin Ripley: "What do you know about an Operation at the Great Lakes?"

Heather Durkee: *snorts* "My final operation was the one that you foiled. I had no other backup plan as there was almost no way we would fail. I spent the last TEN years trying to come up with the perfect plan, and then you kids just HAD to come in and ruin it. *Glares at Junior Agents Ripley and Hale*

Agent Erica Hale: "Don't play dumb with us." *Pulls out flamethrower* *Lights flamethrower* "See this? If you don't want to be burned, then I suggest you cough up the information we need."

Heather Durkee: *Scoffs* "The U.S. doesn't allow torture anymore. You really think I'm going to fall for that?"

Agent Erica Hale: "We got special permission from the president himself. Now speak up, or your arm is going to get burned." *Slides flamethrower through the bars of the cell. *

Agent Benjamin Ripley: "She's not kidding. You could either speak up, or Erica will burn you."

Heather Durkee: *starts to sweat* "Like I said, I don't know anything about this Operation at the Great Lakes."

Agent Benjamin Ripley to Agent Erica Hale: "I don't think she's lying."

Heather Durkee: *interrupts* "Of course I'm no-"

Agent Erica Hale: *Points flamethrower at Heather Durkee* "Interrupt again and I won't be so lenient."

Heather Durkee: *Closes mouth*

Agent Erica Hale: "What do you know then? You must know something. Maybe perhaps someone named Mrs. Capke?"

Heather Durkee: "I don't know anything about a Mrs. Capke."

Agent Erica Hale: *growls* "You were the leader of Croatoan. You must have had a second-in-command." *Holds flamethrower dangerously close to Heather Durkee's arm*

Heather Durkee: *cracks* "Okok, I'll tell you! Mrs. Capke is my second-in-command and secretary. I have no clue what she is planning because she is the new El Captain."

Agent Erica Hale: *withdraws flamethrower looking disappointed*

Agent Benjamin Ripley: "Well, what else can you tell us? Names? Anything important?"

Heather Durkee: "Well, all I can tell you are my previous plans, but I doubt that will be helpful. If you want names, I'll need a piece of paper for that."

30 minutes later:

Heather Durkee: "Here. These are all the names I can remember."

End interrogation.

As Erica and I exited, we looked through the names. We could not recognize any of them, so we sent it to the people that ran the CIA database. Meanwhile, we were going to get ready for our trip to the Great Lakes.

Picture of the list of names: 

Picture of the list of names: 

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