Chapter 12: The Great Lakes

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Sorry guys, for the late chapter (well to me at least cause I like to upload every other day) and this is also a short one too. I am not entirely sure that all the information is correct, but if google says so...unless I read it wrong.

The Great Lakes are beautiful. I could see myself going there to swim, vacation, a picnic...

"Wow," I breathed. "This is amazing." Even Erica seemed to like the scenery.

"Wow, I just want to jump into that water and swim all day." Said Mike.

Note: I've never been to the Great Lakes sooo I'm just making details out of the pic above

The water was perfectly clear, and everything seemed perfect. Even the rocks. And that's really saying something.

" what?" Chip asked. Good question. I thought.

"We're going to do surveillance." Cyrus said.

"But the Great Lakes are enormous!" Jawa exclaimed, "How are we supposed to do that when there are barely any of us?"

"We'll have to cover SEVEN HUNDRED AN FIFTY miles!" I said. "How in the world are we going to do that?"

"We are going to place bugs." said Catherine. "These bugs can capture 5 miles of conversation."

"That still means that we need at least one hundred and fifty bugs to cover the entirety of the lakes," I said skeptically. "And if we go 60 miles an hour, it will still take twelve and a half hours to get to all the lakes. Not counting the stops we'll have to make."

Catherine sighed. "I don't like it either Benjamin, but it is not my fault that Croatoan chose to make a new scheme at the Great Lakes," she said. "We'll start planting bugs tomorrow morning, I found a nice little motel we can stay at."

The first thought I had when I saw our motel was 'Wow.'

Our motel was way better than all our other ones, like the one motel that we went to Vail. But it takes very little to outshine the Ski Haus. It was perfectly cool, and pretty fancy with a mini restaurant on the main floor. I don't know how Catherine did it, but Mike and I were sharing a room, Jawa and Chip, Catherine and Erica, and Cyrus begrudgingly agreed to being roommates with Alexander. Four rooms. That was way more than what we usually got. Maybe we would have a nice stay this time around.

But boy was I wrong. 

Their Motel above

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Their Motel above

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