Chapter 20: What.

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Hey guys! I found time to write! This is a really short chapter I tried to make it as long as I could but this is how far I got. One chapter per day! Honestly I don't have any hw so far, so I found time to write.

BTW I MADE MY NEW COVER! Do you guys like it?

Catherine POV:

I made a small gasp as I whispered, "Cousin?"

My 2nd cousin, Savannah, was sitting in the chair in front of me. A silence followed as my cousin grinned and gave a laugh.

"That's right, Catherine. It's good to see you again." she said. "Have I introduced myself? My name is Savannah. Savannah Taylor. Otherwise known to others, Ms. Capke, and second cousin to Catherine here."

"But...why?" I asked, confused. Whenever we saw each other when we were kids, we always had a great time together. I never had an inkling about her being in an evil organization.

Savannah giggled seeming very like when she was a girl, then started explaining. "My dad is half Spanish half British, and my mom is Spanish. My mother is a member of Croatoan. She retired recently though. My dad knew about Croatoan from the start, but wasn't an actual member. So when you went off to train for the MI6, I went into an academy for Croatoan."

"La escuela de lola para ninos y ninas, or Academia de Espoinaje de Espana. For those of you who don't know, Lola's School for boys and girls, which is a cover for Spain's academy of Espionage. I thought you went there, Savannah!" I exclaimed.

Savannah's smile grew even wider. "Nope. I went here, training to be a member of Croatoan. I knew that Durkee wasn't good enough to be the leader of this elite organization." She scowled at the name. "I clawed my way up top and Durkee was only a blood relative of all the other leaders. That idea of the Trojan Rooster was MY idea and she stole all the credit for it."

"But cousin...this is wrong! You're killing millions of innocent people by doing this!" I said.

"NO!" Savannah yelled, standing up. I had never seen her this angry before. Savannah was always calm and collected. "THESE PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE HERE! AMERICA BELONGS TO SPAIN!" She took a breath, then sat back down. "Now, either you cooperate, of Sophia blows your heads off. I really don't want to kill you cousin."

"Sophia?" I echoed then spun around. A familiar click of a gun sound and I saw Sophia pointing one at us.

My cousin smiled and said, "That's right. She led you straight to me." 

Ima make ya'll think about this for a couple days *evil grin* 😈😈

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