Chapter 6: Travel

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Well, this chapter came out quicker than I expected. And it's longer too! :))) 917 words!!! (not counting the things I'm saying here)

"We're leaving at 0400 hours." Cyrus said. "Don't be late."

I groaned. Cyrus whipped his head around at me. "Is there a problem?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

I knew better than to argue. So, I just shrugged and said "No."

I trudged out the door and found Mike. "Yeesh, why do spies always have to get up so early?" He asked, echoing my thoughts.

"I got no clue. Are you excited about this?"

Mike laughed. "Really? On almost every single mission I've been on, it usually involves something gross. Even though it's great being activated, I'm not exactly excited about the actual missions."

I gave a small laugh as we neared the dorms. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yup." and he walked away.

0355 hours:


I woke up with a start to my alarm clock. Sigh. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I turned on the water and splashed some on my face. I yelped as the ice-cold water hit me. I was definitely more awake now. I blinked, letting out a yawn as I grabbed my suitcase and went outside.

I arrived at a helicopter that looked very familiar. I focused some more on it until I recognized it. That was Orion's helicopter that he gave to Alexander.

"Took you long enough to get here." Someone said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Erica.

"But I'm right on time!" I pointed out.

Erica looked at me like I was crazy. "A good spy must always be early." and went inside the plane. As soon as I got in, I collapsed on one of the seats.

"Hey." A person next to me said drowsily.

"Hi Mike." I said as I turned around. "Did you get some good sleep?"

Mike snorted. "You really think...?"

I mustered a small laugh as Alexander said, "We're lifting off! Great Lakes here we come!" And then started humming a James Bond theme song. I sighed. Even Alexanders horrible scream-er-singing would keep me awake.

0700 hours:

My dreams were full of enemy agents chasing me.

Murray Hill was laughing, saying "Ben, Ben, Ben. You really messed up this time, didn't you?" And then a bullet tore through my head.

I woke up to a big THUMP.

"Good you're awake." Erica said. "We're almost there. 2 hours, tops."

Yeah ok I know that it doesn't take that long to get from Washington D.C. to Michigan, buttt ah well.

Mike was already up, eating a protein bar. He waved and continued eating.

I heard another THUMP, coming from the back.

"What's going on?" I asked Erica. Did enemy agents manage to get on board? Did they turn Erica and Mike? My mind couldn't stop thinking.

"Oh, that's just Chip and Jawa." She said casually. Then she called, "You realize there's no use in hiding. We know you're there!"

BAM! The luggage compartment door flew open as Chip and Jawa tumbled out. They appeared to be arguing. "I told you to stop moving!" Jawa said while Chip retorted, "Do you know how cramped it was in there?" Jawa started to reply when he spotted us staring at him. "Oh...hi?" He said, turning red. Chip and Jawa both peeled themselves off the ground and scrambled into a seat.

Erica turned back around and muttered something like "Boys"

0800 hours:

I just finished my breakfast as a huge jolt shook the plane. I looked around, scared. Erica sat up, looking worried.

"Mom! What's going on?" She yelled into the cockpit.

Catherine stepped out; a concerned look etched on her face. "Now, now kids, don't panic, but there's something wrong with the right wing of the plane."

All of us scrambled to the right side of the plane to get a good view of the wing. What I saw sent me into a panic. The wing was dangling, about to fall off. It was like someone sliced it clean off, but somehow forgot to slice it all the way through.

Erica turned to her mom. "We need to evacuate. NOW. Everyone, grab your parachutes."

There was a huge scramble as everyone ran to get a parachute. Unfortunately, I was the last one, and therefore had less time to get it on.

The cockpit door flew open as Alexander ran through, trying to get a parachute. All of us leapt out of his way, as we might as well have gotten trampled. He seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack, but that wasn't very surprising, knowing that he was the worst spy ever.

As soon as everyone was strapped in our parachutes, Cyrus flung open the emergency door. I walked towards the door, struggling to keep my balance as the wind blew in. I was really nervous. Other times, Erica was in the same parachute as me, and she did all of the 'yanking the cord and other stuff' part.

A loud humming tore me away from my thoughts as I looked up. Another helicopter was there and at the emergency exit, was Murray Hill. Murray waved, saying, "HI BEN OL' FRIEND! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DEFEAT US THIS TIME!" with that the helicopter where Murray was in, flew away.

"BEN! YOU NEED TO JUMP! NOW!" Erica yelled. I nodded at her, then looked down. BIG mistake. I started to feel queasy, even though I saw my friends floating downwards. Beside me, Cyrus growled, "Ben, you'd better jump or I'm going to push you." Well, that was enough. Getting pushed by Cyrus was not going to be great.

I took a deep breath, gathered all my courage (which wasn't much) and jumped. 

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