Chapter 9: Erica's driving is the worst

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Up there is the car they are driving, except way worse condition. (It's a Blue Subaru)

We got in the car and Erica started to drive.

"Erica, you don't have a drivers' license...I can't believe the people back there didn't look at you twice before renting the car to you."

"I don't need a driver's license; I can drive perfectly fine." Erica said.

"Says the girl that just ran a stop sign." I muttered under my breath. To be honest, I was really scared of Erica driving. Last time, she drove a double decker bus, but that was kind of a disaster. (Although that might've been partly my fault)

Erica glared at me and said, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing," I quickly said. "Where is the farm?"

"The edge of Indiana, I told you, She said, turning back to the road. "Back then, supposedly, the farm got a lot of popularity. Now everyone has basically forgotten about it. The owner is an old man that tends to the animals occasionally."

Erica is a horrible driver. She swerves, takes sharp turns, and goes at a speed of about a hundred miles per hour. It's a miracle cops haven't been chasing her yet. It seems like a spy movie, but in reality, this driving is going to make me throw up my ice cream.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I said, turning green.

"Hold it in for a bit we're almost there!" Erica growled

"Erica...slow your driving! And those sharp turns and swerves are NOT helping! So unless you stop doing that I'm seriously going to throw up in here!" I managed to wheeze out.

Erica glared at me, but thankfully, slowed down.

10 minutes later, we pulled up at a run-down barn. Thank goodness she slowed down, or I might not have made it.

[Details are too disgusting to be mentioned]

After I finished (barfing) I walked over to Erica.

"Finally, you're finished." She said, wrinkling her nose.

I frowned. "I wouldn't need to do that if you didn't drive like a crazy person. I'm surprised that no one called the cops."

Erica didn't reply as she walked quickly to the barn. I followed her.

I looked around as we entered the barn. "Mike? Jawa? Chip? Alexander?" I called, but they weren't there. I also noticed that there was a lack of horses, for a horse and cattle farm.

"They're not here," Erica said, looking worried. "They must have had to flee, due to the lack of horses."

I quickly pulled out my phone and typed:

Ben: Where are you guys? Did you guys have to go?

Mike: Croton put a racker on Alaxainder

Mike: e had t fee on horse

Ben: By the way ur typing I'm guessing ur on the horse?

Mike: ye

Jawa: I think we lost them

Jawa: though I'm not sure

Ben: How is Jawa typing better than you Mike

Erica: This is not the time to be discussing that

Erica: Where are you guys (AGAIN)

Jawa: I don't know...there are a lot of worn down buildings though

Erica: You must be somewhere in Gary

Mike: Gary who?

Ben: Did you get off your horse?

Mike: Yup we figured they weren't chasing us anymore

Erica: Shut up, and Mike, Gary, INDIANA

Mike: oh

Ben: I heard it's quite dangerous out there

Jawa: There shouldn't be anything we can't handle

Ben: Murders and whatnot

Jawa: Meh

Erica: Are Chip and Alexander with you

Mike: Yeah, Jawa had to let him on his horse cause he had no idea how to ride one

Mike: Chip doesn't either, but he handled it pretty well

Mike: I really hate the feeling of being on a horse

Jawa: My grandparents have a ranch so I know how to ride one

Ben: So you guys are ok?

Ben: Hello?

Ben: Guys??

No response. My brow furrowed as I looked to Erica. We have to go. They might be in danger. Erica nodded went to the car. I climbed in as well and said "Erica don't drive as rough this time."

Erica sighed but gave in "Okay."

10 minutes later we were swerving again. "ERICA!" I yelled.

Erica gave me a glare and growled, "Our friends might be in danger, we have no idea where Grandad and Mom are and you're YELLING at me to slow down?"

I wanted to argue, but she had a good point. Then, my phone buzzed.

Catherine: Benjamin! Is that you?

Ben: Catherine! Are you okay?

I told Erica, "Your mom just messaged me."

Although she tried to hide it, I could tell she was relieved.

Catherine: We're fine, we landed where we think is Gary, Indiana.

Catherine: Is Erica with you? Is she safe?

Ben: Yes she's with me. And safe. Jawa, Mike, Chip and Alexander are also in Gary, though they suddenly stopped texting. We're headed there now...we have no idea if they're ok or not.

Ben: Apparently, Croatoan managed to ger a tracker on Alexander. They landed on a field but then had to flee on horseback

Ben: Try your best to find them.

Catherine: We'll certainly try. 5:00 meet at this café to discuss?

Catherine: I'll send you the address. Hopefully we can find them. [Address Censored]

Ben: Thank you

I leaned back on the seat. Knowing that my closest friends might be in big trouble made me sick to the stomach. Thank goodness I didn't feel the need to throw up again. I suppose throwing up once was enough. 

By the way guys should I do a Mike POV next?

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