Chapter 22: Rest

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Two chapters in two hours? Wow. Now that I have done this, I think the rest of the book will be done by 2morrow. :DDD

I had a wonderful time sleeping back in my dorm room. I had never missed it so much. We all got straight A's in every class, as a reward for taking down Croatoan. Sophia was now enrolled in Spy School, as a 4th year, since she basically had the same level of fighting as Erica, but they couldn't put her too high.

Erica was graduating next year, and I wasn't too happy about it. The school increased their years of learning because some people did not seem competent enough, and because they decided that kids might be more reliable than adults/actual agents.

We had fished out all the moles in agencies, and there were quite a few in Spain's spy agency. (Last thing I heard was that Spain's government was furious, and it was quite a setback for them)

Spy Camp was coming up and next year, I would be a 3rd year. I was quite excited to move up yet another year, closer to graduating. I still didn't really know where me and Erica's relationship lay, but hopefully we could be together someday. I guess Erica was still recovering from Joshua Hallal's defection. I understood though. Things like that can take a long time to come back from.

Savannah was locked away securely, and as a punishment, her cell was right next door to...Heather Durkee's cell. (We had to keep them apart, so they didn't kill each other) Catherine visited Savannah almost every two weeks, as part of her still loves her cousin. Savannah, on the other hand, does not seem very happy about the visits.

I think I've had enough of Evil Organizations for a while.

Ben: Hey guys, should I talk to Zoe?

Erica: ...are you sure it's okay?

Jawa: hmmm I guess she was just trying to protect Ben...

Mike: As much as I don't want to, I think it's the right thing to do.

Chip: 🤔

Mike: She's a good friend and she was valuable to the team, so I vote yes.

Sophia: Who's Zoe?

Ben: Long story

Erica: Alright...I vote yes

Jawa: I vote yes

Chip: 👍🤝

Jawa: Talking in emojis? Okayyyyyyyyyyy

Ben: Alright I'll go

I left my dorm and headed to Zoe's. Honestly, I enjoyed having her as a friend. I would be glad if she was back.

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