Chapter 15: Savior

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The person didn't say a word, just put a finger to their lips and started untying us. After, they went over to the door and slowly opened it. They peeked out, and then gestured to us to follow them.

I realized now that this person was a female. I started to say something, but she whipped around to look at me before I could get any words out and glared at me as if to say, 'Shut up' I immediately clammed up.

She then started doing these weird zig zags, and although I was confused, I followed her. Alexander, though, was not so bright and walked in a straight line instead.

WHOOP WHOOP! A siren blared throughout the building. The girl then rolled her eyes, seeming a lot like Erica, and then spoke. "Down the hall, take a right and you'll find an exit. There are four guards, but I trust you all can handle them. You," she gave a pointed look to Alexander, "Do you know why I was doing all those weird patterns? There are wires that sound the alarm when you go through them. Now run. I'll meet you outside." The voice sounded startlingly familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

We all quickly obeyed her and ran. Sure enough, there was an exit with four guards on it. One quickly noticed us and yelled, "THE PRISIONORS! THEY'RE ESCAPING!" But they were no match for all of us together. In a minute, all the guards were unconscious.

"There should be more coming." Cyrus said gruffly. "Let's move."

We went outside and saw the girl again, waiting for us. She beckoned over to a tree and pressed a button. Then the ground gave out and we were falling...again. But only this time, we ended up on a soft mattress.

The girl then pulled off her mask, revealing the girl who had questioned us. "Hello." She said. "My name is Sophia." 

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