Chapter 21: Betrayal...

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Hi guys! School has been a big bore honestly. Most likely the book will be finished next week, I'm almost positive, or earlier than that. I'm planning on publishing the last chapter along with the epilogue. I'll be publishing at least two chapters with the sequel to this book (Not sure if it's going to be a series tho)

I still have to wait for Spy School at sea since I can't buy the bookkkk I have to put a hold on it at the library  😭

Erica POV:

"That's right. She led you straight to me." Those words hit me on the chest like a bullet. How could she? I should have known, I thought. I should have convinced the rest of my team not to trust her.

I glared as hard as a could at her, but she seemed unfazed. She laughed and said, "You all are the most gullible people I've ever met. You trusted me from the minute I met you all."

I could have strangled her right then and there, if there wasn't a gun pointed at Ben and Mom. But then...she winked. Or maybe she had a piece of dust fly in her eye. But I sure could've sworn it was a wink. Maybe she wasn't really on Croatoan's side after all. I relaxed on the inside. Sophia wasn't going to hurt us...hopefully.

But what I found strange was that the wink seemed to be meant for me. Although I guess that makes sense because Ben would've relaxed visibly, and Mom would have a slight reaction that we couldn't risk her cousin seeing.

Ben POV:

Time: Time right after Catherine POV

I couldn't believe Sophia had betrayed us.

"That's right, she led you straight to me." Savannah said.

I saw Erica glaring bullets at Sophia. I didn't feel angry, not much in fact. I just felt...sad. Another person had betrayed us. How could we be so gullible?

As if echoing my thoughts, Sophia said, "You all are the most gullible people I've ever met. You trusted me from the minute I met you all." I lowered my head in shame. Coming from the villain just made it worse.

'Now, since I really don't want to kill my cousin, so I'll just take you to bulletproof, bombproof cells. And it's steel." Savannah said. She snapped her fingers and 3 huge, muscled men who hadn't discovered deodorant yet stepped into the room. They grabbed us by the arms and hoisted us up.

That's when Sophia sprang into action.

She leaped into the guard that was holding me and kicked him in the face. The other two guards gaped and dropped their guard, so that Erica and Catherine could attack their thugs.

Meanwhile, the smile dropped from Savannah's face. "Sophia?" She gasped, then seemed to grasp the situation and turned to the computer. Her mouse was almost to clicking the initiate Operation Poison, which I guessed was poisoning the great lakes, when I leaped at her.

I knocked her out of the chair, but that didn't do much. Unlike Ms. E, she wasn't an old woman. (NO OFFENCE MS. E) I knew I couldn't defeat her, but I had to try. With a cry of rage, she threw me off with brutal force and started back for the computer. She was seconds away from clicking that button when Catherine wrenched her arm back.

I looked around and saw that all the guards were down. Sophia and Erica stood beside Catherine.

"NO!" Savannah shrieked. "Cousin, let go of me!"

Catherine calmly said, "No Savannah, I cannot let you kill all those innocent people." But as she said it, I couldn't help but notice the hint of sadness in her voice. Then she looked at Sophia. "How come you turned again?"

I was so surprised by the turn of events that I hadn't even stopped to think about Sophia. Why had she turned back? I looked at Erica. She was jamming a flash drive into the computer, dragging files into it. She didn't seem very surprised at the turn of events.

"I was ordered to do this, but I decided to not follow the orders...completely." Sophia shrugged. "Erica knew."

No wonder Erica didn't seem fazed at all. "She shot me a wink." Erica said matter-of-factly. "There's enough evidence to take down Croatoan on this computer. Let's go and take Savannah here with us." She glared coldly at her.

We left the basement of the HQ, dragging a writhing Savannah with us, and were greeted by a bunch of unconscious workers.

"What-" I started to ask, but Jawa beat me to it.

"We heard some thumps, so we decided to see what was going on. But we had to take care of these guys first."

"We were about to come down and help you, but you guys came up before we could find the trap- say who's this?" Chip asked pointing at Savannah.

"This is Ms. Capke herself, or Catherine's second cousin, Savannah." I revealed.

Alexander, Chip and Jawa gasped. "Catherine your cousin is the new leader of Croatoan?" asked Alexander.

"Yes." Catherine said grimly, looking at a still struggling Savannah.

"I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" Savannah screeched.

"Well, she sure is noisy." Jawa said, looking down at her.

"We have enough information to take down Croatoan once and for all." Erica said, holding up the flash drive.

"Once I get out of this, you will ALL be sorry. Even you cousin." Savannah seethed.

Erica groaned a bit, seemingly tired of this like I was, and produced a gag and bound it on Savannah. All of us then walked back to Cyrus and we all drove back home, a two day ride, since we didn't have a plane anymore. I sighed, with a smile on my face, and closed my eyes. No more evil organizations for a while at least.

Or so I thought. 

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