Chapter 2: Chatter

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YES! The second chapter is out- and it's early :D ok it's not that exciting but STILL. Anyways I'll get started on the next chapter.

Erica Hale. And she had a very annoyed look on her face.

"Sorry I took so long to get here." She said icily. "Dad stopped me to talk about some random thing." She started walking away.

Alexander Hale is the father of Erica. When I first met him, I was very impressed. But over the year, I realized that he wasn't as good of a spy as he says he is. In fact, he is a TERRIBLE spy. He only looks like a good spy, with his 3-piece suit, neatly combed hair, and charming looks.

"Anyways, we picked up some chatter which we think is from Croatoan. Grandpa wants to talk to us. He's waiting for us in his office. It's not too far from here."

"Why didn't you just explain everything there instead of telling me to meet here?" I asked. I didn't want to sound suspicious, but I could hear it in my voice.

Erica raised an eyebrow at me. "Because one, you don't know the way, and two, since you don't know the way, it seems like a good time to explain to you what's going on."

"Oh." I said sheepishly. Any trace of doubt vanished.

"We're here. She said. I didn't notice it before, but we were already inside a building, standing in front of a door. Erica pressed her finger onto the wall and suddenly, a pad popped out. 'Fingerprint, recognized. Hale, Erica. Student' The pad spoke in a robotic voice.

"Now you do the same thing." She gestured to the pad. I placed my thumb on the pad. 'Fingerprint, recognized. Ripley, Benjamin. Student.'

I was confused. "How did you get my fingerprint?" I asked Erica as the door slid open. Erica rolled her eyes. "We're spies Ben, you really think we don't have your fingerprint on a database?" I turned red in embarrassment. "Of course. But couldn't someone that has access to the database be a double agent? Wait- Why is the room empty?" I asked.

"Obviously it wouldn't be just a fingerprint. Come here." She went over to a wall and started tracing it. After that, she just stared at the wall for a solid 30 seconds. For 2 minutes, (yes, I counted) I was very bewildered and worried about Erica's sanity until I heard a cool female voice saying, Hale, Erica. Granddaughter to Hale, Cyrus. Are you with anyone else? If you are, please state their name. Erica said "Benjamin Ripley." Ripley, Benjamin. Trusted. Agent. Enter. I started to wonder how in the world we were going to 'enter', as we were already in the EMPTY office, (emphasis on the word 'empty') when a door sized hole appeared in the wall. 

Erica motioned for me to go in the wall. I scrambled in, expecting Cyrus there. But...we just arrived at ANOTHER empty room. I looked around at Erica, expecting answers, but she was gone. 

I still have no idea where this is going- I'm just making things up as I go. I should really plan all this out. Well then- I'll try to make the next chapter come out quick- but maybe not cause I really gotta make a plan of where this is going to go. :D

I know I promised this one would be a longer chapter, but I think this is a perfect place to another cliffhanger. 

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