Always bet on Rubrum

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Life, the greatest of all evils, a being that had forsaken you the entierty of your life, when things went good, life was there to pull it out from under you, with a slap across the face and a kick in the head. Death, your greatest ally, even when things seemed rough, and when you thought your time was done, you always kicked back up, as death let you walk right back into the land of the living, you only wish you knew what it had planned, you only wish you had stayed one of those times instead of walking out, oh how foolish you were.

Things for our sweet (Y/N) had been going up and up. (Y/N) was the leader of a small band of thieves that operated in between Piltover and Zaun,when times got heated and you had to hold that pistol between yoir fingers, well you only took lives that deserved it, thats what you always told yourself. So when you, your fellow merry men, Alfastr Hel Greus, Dysseus Zagreus Zaifer, and Kure Daiju, were about to hit your biggest score yet, well you knew things could only be at their peak as of now.

Alfastr Hel greus, a man you saw as a brother, a man who had helped you when you didnt even know you needed it. Alfastr was the reason and logic of you four, always keeping you on track and effiecent, he was the brains as much as he was the added brawn to your team, he planned and schemed from day to night. So of course, he would be your inside man for this little heist of yours.

Dysseus Zagreus Zaifer, coming all the way out from the dunes of shurima itself. Dyessus (or D for short) was like the little brother of you four, he was the man to get for the grand finales. Whether it was large explosives or just being the loud mouth get away driver, Dysseus always knew how to put on a show.

Kure Daiju, the shadow from Ionia, Daiju was the strength above strength, he was quieter than the wind, and as strong as the moutains. Daiju never said much, but you could read his silence, he was the man who made sure the job got done, whilst also keeping you four alive to make the profits.

And lastly was you, (Y/N) Metus Rubrum (if you want to change the last name, please go ahead, but for the sake of the story, your last and middle names are Metus Rubrum), you were the actor, the charmer, the man who got your team in and out with out so much as lifting a finger, cause you let your words do the work. You never knew where your family came from, but you were an orphan of Zaun, and you always will be. But now, now was the begining to a whole new chapter in your life....

The nights in Zaun were cold, between the mix of the metal pipes and lack of real light, there was never any warmth, no hospitality. But there was one place all could go to for some warmth, the Vinnie and Vice casino. Sitting right on the divide between Zaun and Piltover, it was a Jewel to be seen, so of course, you planned to rob it blind.

Outside the gates to the main plaza outside the entrance, you four stood. All dawned in quite the outfits for your big night. None of you brought any fire arms as per your self made rules, so getting in was going to go by without a problem.

[Y/N] "So, you boys ready for the greatest heist of your miserable lives?" You asked as you were in a huddle with your brothers. You were dawned in a simple tux, stolen of course and very much not your style, it was to heavy on the black and little on the white, you always enjoyed making an entrance, but today you needed to be subtle.

[Dysseus] "Ohhh yeah, I cant wait for when you and Daiju bust out of there, I have the car ready, so we wont have another bildgewater again..." Dysseus, as bubbly as ever, was shaking in excitement. Oddly enough, all through piltover and zaun, you four had been give crude [Yet somewhat badass] names, but many just thought Dysseus to be Jinx, with his bubbly lunacy and sapphire blue hair, it wasnt hard to see a resemblance, but he had no tattoos, he was petrified of needles. But, your bubbly brother was dawned in a simple trench coat and hat, he was your get away, so clothes was never any concern.

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