Poker Face

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The light hit you harder than it awoke to the sounds of birds and grass moving in the wind, you laid there, your back was against a tree. You immediately moved against the tree, frantically looking around, as if this was a nightmare.

You saw the distance, a large set of moutains, miles upon miles away, you sat in an open field, as you turned around, seeing a large castle in the distance. You were wearing a white dress shirt, with a ripped black vest over it, a black tie loosely wrapped around your neck, and a pair of black jeans, covered in dry blood and rips. This was where it began...the pain...the distrust...the haunting...

You saw no one in the distance, yet you knew what was coming, who was coming. You slowly got up, only to collapse on the dirt and grass, you saw a hat on the ground next to the tree, a black rose tied to it with white silk ribbon. You wanted to run, but this wasnt something you could run from. No one can truly run from the past.

[???] "There you are! I was so worried that Auntie or one of the others had gotten you" A voice said, a ladies voice, one less matured than how you knew it was her voice.

[Y/n] "What are you doing here!? If they catch you with me, they will surely hurt you as well!" You said, your voice much younger. As the words came out, you put a hand to your mouth, but it never moved, yet the words still came out, like a scene in a movie, set to play no matter your actions to change it.

[???] "Of course I would come, what girlfriend would I be if I let my boyfriend run off without me" The voice said, it was so happy, so pure back then, the voice of someone who truly cared.

[Y/n] "Eve, I told you...Im not worth the trouble of all should go back, you would be better off there than with some broken toy like me" You said, your young voice still playing, even if you covered your mouth. It was then that you saw her. Her lavender skin, her beatiful yellow eyes, and her pure purple you you wished you could forget these times

[Eve.] "Your not broken [Y/n], your amazing, you treat me like im a princess, you care about me, you love me....if that doesnt make you amazing, I dont know what does..." Evelynn said, as her words ended, she faded you did as well...only for the sound of your brother waking you up, on this fine morning.

[D.] "HEY! You dead yet? If so...can I have your motorcycle...ah who am I kidding, I might as well test it seeing as your probably dead" D. said as he went to go take your baby for a joy the undead, you spring to life, gripping his wrist.

[Y/n] "If you so much as touch my baby, Ill cut your hands off and glue them to your eyes!" You threatened. That motorcycle was your first big steal, you had that bike since you were 19, when you were all alone.

[D.] "Im just kidding bro...and since your awake, what did you do yesterday, beside disappearing for the whole day and showing up a mess late at night..." D. asked as you sat up, brushing off any dust from you, you were the only one who cleaned in this house, so dust was a common enemy for you.

You explained what transpired the day before, beside the parts of eve and why you left, but you did say how you saw a ghost that night, one that came back to haunt you all to well.

As you made breakfast for you and your brothers. A pound of eggs and soft thick cut bacon for Dysseus, a bowl of granola and milk for Alfastr, and a pound of raw salmon and a shot of Soju for Daiju. You enjoyed your single small slice of uncooked cured ham, and a light glass of wine to top it off.

Your breakfast conversation was promptly interupted by a knock on the door. You four never had guest, never had mail delivered, or told anyone where you lived.....beside Eve.....but still, this early in the morning...impossible....right?

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