We'll meet again, some sunny day.

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The morning light hit your face as yoy awoke, the feeling of a warm body next to yoy made you freeze up, only to see it was Ahri, fully clothed. You sighed a sigh of relief as you got up, not disturbing her as she leaned into the couch. In her arms was the orange fox plushie, she held it like you would a newborn, this was a perfect moment for some sweet sweet blackmail, your favorite of all mail, that and christmas cards but you never got many of those.

You used your phone to snap a quick picture of Ahri as she slept, you knew this would come in handy in the future. As you went to Kai'sa room to see if she wanted to go for a jog, you saw her sleeping, the bear you got her nice and cuddled up to her...no one said you could have to much blackmail, so you took a picture of her as she cuddled up to the bear.

You decided perhaps Akali could show you one of those games she loved so much, but as you checked in her room, you saw her sleeping, sprawled put and sleeping in the messiest of poses. But next to her face was the Racoon plushie you got her, another bit of blackmail to add to your collection. You then gave in and checked Eve's room in hopes maybe she would want to spend some time with you....but you saw another beautiful sight. Eve was cuddled up to her snake plushie like a cat hording a piece of fish, the sound of your phone snapping a picture was quietly heard as you left her room.

You gave up and got dressed in your more open clothes as the heat spiked up that day. You wore a simple black sleevless shirt, with a pair of comfy white shorts, a nice pair of black converses on your feet, with your hat nice and snug on your head...

You left that morning as you madd your way down to the garage, quickly hopping on your bike with your helmet on, you sped through the streets making your way back home.

As I entered the house I saw it was empty, as in no one wad there. I scratched my head as I saw a note on the coffee table, quickly picking it up as I read it.

<Hey bro, we'll be out scouting a new place, hit up alfastr if you want in, but if you stop by when were not back then were busy so come again later.


You shrugged as you tossed the note to the ground, walking to the fridge grabbing a bottle of Black Ink wine, nice and chilled. After chugging the red wine, you walked out into the streets of Zaun, enjoying its deathly beauty...

You wished several things that day...one being that you wished you hadnt went for that walk.

You went down your normal routes, sticking to the shadows, you soon turned into a small alley way as you knocked on a metal door, the area alone was trashy enough to deter most from coming here, but this was your little hide out, specially seeing as you was this places only customer.

A small window slid open through the door, as a pair of sparkly eyed peaked through, a child like voice sprung from the door....

[???] "Password please!" The high pitched voice asked as you rolled yoir eyes...five years you had been coming here and she still asked for that damned password, one which you always hated saying, but as the years went on you learned to swallow your pride and say it.

[Y/n] "Sigh....may the pretty pretty princess allow a pretty pretty peasant in on this pretty pretty evening" You said as you shook your head, it was the dumbest thing you ever had to say, but as you did the sound of thousand locks being undone rang from the door, it soon opened as you walked in. You looked to the door hoping to see a massacre of locks, only to see a single chain lock at the top of the door.

[Zoe] "So what will it be today [N/n], usual right?" Zoe asked. Yes, the Zoe, infamous trickster goddess was a bartender in a small hole in the wall in Zaun. You questioned each time why she stayed here, each answer different than the last.

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