A Nightmare come true

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♡~Episode 12~♧
◇~Flight of the flies~♤

///////Y/N PoV///////

I slept very little that night, even with the girls trying to comfort me I still couldn't get a wink of sleep, just the thought that those monsters....those fiends....to think they were this close, meant she was close, hiding away somewhere no doubt....I'm glad I told the boys, they agreed to stay awake and watch over Phoebe, I couldn't lose her.....I don't want to imagine what I would do if they took her.

The morning was already here, and I was still wide eyed awake. Slithering out of bed and into the hall, I made sure to leave the girls asleep....they couldn't know what I was planning, I know they would stop or try and help...they've been in enough danger for one life time.

To look to me for help....finally being smart Rubrum....now, shall we start our practice, and show those bugs what a bit of smoke shall do to their feeble little wings...heh heh heh....

I nodded to myself, quickly making some coffee to ease my nerves. The moment of silence passed, as i heard the bedroom door creak open.....none of them could know....I quickly wrote on a napkin near by, saying I was going for a walk....only so I could vanish into smoke and hide in the shadows of the kitchen, plenty with how big it was.

[Sera.] "Sigh....I know your there Y/n, you never leave without your coffee...plus, I can hear you shuffling in the shadows...." Seraphine spoke, only for me to stay silent, a loom of worry over came her, as she walked back to the bedroom. I felt a pit in my stomach grow as the guilt cascaded over me. I grabbed the pot of coffee and quickly chugged the scolding drink, rushing out the door quickly, left in only my pants and slip on shoes.

An hour passed, of me simply walking down the road, as I stopped and entered the nearby forest, only to stop at a small clearing with a large boulder sticking out of the ground. I soon sat in front of it, letting the sounds around me go silent, as I concentrated.

Think Y/n.....think of yourself...think of breaking a part, being in many places at once....now concentrate on the air around you, imagine it, your body simply swimming in it like water, going on for eternity....

As I opened my eyes, I saw a small bird in front of me...a falcon of sorts, covered head to talons in smoke, its piercing [E/c] eyes stared at me....the bird soon shook, as another falcon appeared next to it, as they spliced into a small flock of them.

[Y/n] "Go....fly high, and find the snakes in our garden" I said as the birds flapped their wings, the cloud of them flew through the air, splitting off into hundreds of directions, as I waited for them to find the pest that called themselves people.

Moments passed, until I heard a rustling in the trees...readying myself, I held my scythe close, snapping the shaft on my knee, splitting it in half...the lower half grew a silver blade, as now I held two Kama's in my hand, each resembling their scythe form.

[Ahri] "So this is where you run off too....the middle of the woods....you better have a good explanation or Ill Fufu you to death, and remember, you dont die..." Ahri demanded as she sat on a tree branch, still dawned in her sleep wear. I simply smirked at her, sticking both Kama's into the boulder.

[Y/n] "Dont threaten me with a good time.........but to answer your question, I came here to calm myself...seeing those two...creatures...this close to Phoebe, it scared me, and yes, I do get scared......I can still feel those memories...the blades, the cutting and biting...the pain and humiliation.....still hurts" I spoke in a somber tone, as Ahri climbed down, coming to me and embracing me....as I held her tight, a falcon returned, as it vanished to smoke.

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